19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Finish the Waste Confidence Rule


Washington, DC – “…live up to its legal obligations…” That is what Consumer Energy Alliance’s Michael Whatley is urging the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to do in the wake of today’s U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that the DOE can no longer collect money from nuclear plant operators to fund the construction of a facility the federal government is refusing to build.

“CEA is pleased to see utility and electric cooperative customers will no longer be forced to pay into a Nuclear Waste Trust Fund without any hope that the federal government will manage the nuclear waste which utilities are currently storing at facilities around the country. The best path forward is for the Department of Energy to live up to its legal obligations and build a long-term nuclear waste disposal facility.”

Consumer Energy Alliance is currently urging its grassroots supporters to contact the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. which is evaluating the safety and environmental impacts of storage of used nuclear fuel for the period after the plant’s license expires until the federal government picks up the fuel. Quick resolution is necessary for the agency to proceed efficiently with licensing.

CEA supports:

  • Efficient and sound federal regulations on the nuclear industry;
  • Nuclear energy as part of a diverse energy mix;
  • The NRC swiftly resolving its Waste Confidence rule making.