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Consumer Energy Alliance

Ten Most Expensive States to Cook a Turkey


A Consumer Energy Alliance analysis finds five New England states making the list of the most expensive states to cook a Turkey.  Calculations are based on cooking a 16 lb to 20 lb turkey (with stuffing) in an electric oven for about four hours. Hawaii tops the list at $4.29 followed by Alaska then New York state. Massachusetts, the home of the first Thanksgiving, clocks in at number 9 costing a $1.74.



State Price (for 16-20lb Stuffed) Price per kWh (in cents)
1. Hawaii $4.29 37.34
2. Alaska $2.05 17.88
3. New York $2.03 17.62
4. Connecticut $1.99 17.34
5. Vermont $1.96 17.01
6. New Hampshire $1.85 16.07
7. New Jersey $1.81 15.78
8. California $1.76 15.34
9. Massachusetts $1.74 14.91
10.Maine: $1.69 14.66