19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Sherrod Brown Outlines Ohio’s Energy Future


In a video message, U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown outlines Ohio’s energy future. Brown’s comments were part of CEA-Midwest Powering our Future forum held in Columbus, OH on November 18, 2013.


BROWN: Hi, I’m Sherrod Brown, United States Senator.

Thank you for inviting me to speak to the Consumer Energy Alliance Midwest Powering Our Future Forum.

Your work shows us how the old theory of jobs versus the environment is simply a false choice.

The investments made by utilities and small businesses, by large manufacturers and communities across the state prove otherwise.

We know that creating jobs and protecting our environment and improving our economy and safeguarding our national security. All that requires us to find new ways to generate clean energy right here in Ohio.

We can and must consider an all of the above approach to meeting our energy needs. That’s why I want to continue working with each of you to promote next generation clean coal, to encourage the widespread use of renewable energy, to develop energy efficiency measures and to continue efforts to ensure that Ohio’s natural gas development is the safest and most responsible in our county.

Energy and economy are inextricably linked. So too are energy and environment. In Ohio our manufacturers are leading the way in reducing energy usage and finding that becoming more energy efficient can actually improve the bottom line.

Utilities, rural co-ops municipal generators all are investing in the next generation of electricity generation that will keep the lights on for decades. Our friends and neighbors are finding that Ohio’s increasingly diversified power sector is keeping utility bills among the lowest in the country.

Ideas and discussions that happen at today’s forum will help determine our policies and our future. Together we can invest in new technology and move toward smart energy solutions.

I look forward to working with you to do just that. Thanks for the opportunity to speak with you today. More importantly, thank you for the work you do in our communities.