19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

We have our answer…Confidently we can now say Keystone XL is in the nation’s interest.


An evaluation of environmental impact of the Keystone XL Pipeline again finds the pipeline’s construction and operation will have minimal impact on the environment. Michael Whatley, who has been following the Keystone XL Pipeline project for Consumer Energy Alliance, had this reaction:

We have our answer. The Keystone XL pipeline will have minimal impact on the environment. The next step of the process will allow the public to register their approval of the project and then for the Administration to make a decision regarding the permit on the merits. KXL is exactly the infrastructure project the American people are looking for to create construction jobs and move the U.S. closer to energy security. Confidently we can now say Keystone XL is in the nation’s interest.

The next step in the permitting process is very important. The American people will be asked if they believe the pipeline is in the nation’s interest. CEA urges you to make your voice heard. Visit the Build KXL Now action page to tell Federal officials you support building the Keystone XL Pipeline and urge the President to issue a construction permit as soon as possible.