19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Grassroots Petition Sent to PA Legislature


February 12, 2014

Pennsylvania State Legislature
State Capitol
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Dear Legislators,

Last month Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) sent a letter to State Senator Jim Ferlo asking him why in the middle of winter he was working to advance legislation to thwart Pennsylvania’s bustling shale gas economy and  threaten the energy development that is keeping families in Pennsylvania and throughout the northeast warm this winter.

As you know, 2.6 million people in Pennsylvania use natural gas with 38 percent using it to heat their homes. And because of, not in spite of shale gas development, home heating costs in the state are down 50 percent over the past five years. In fact, Pennsylvania’s largest natural gas utilities have saved ratepayers $3,200 over the past four years through rate reductions.  A recent analysis by the Associated Press found that about two-thirds of Pennsylvanians who heat their homes with natural gas went into the winter season paying the lowest prices in a decade for this time of year.

Senator Ferlo is refusing to answer.

Pennsylvania is a leader in responsible energy development.  In the month of December 2012, the Marcellus Shale, located in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, accounted for 18 percent of the nation’s total natural gas production.

62 CEA members recently petitioned you to support shale gas development in Pennsylvania and abandon the Statewide Natural Gas Drilling Moratorium, SB 1100.  CEA believes that State Senator Ferlo’s legislation will leave people out in the cold. On behalf of our members, we urge you to oppose SB 1100.



David Holt
President, Consumer Energy Alliance