19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Shale Energy Can Help North Carolina’s Energy Supplies and Economy


Consumer Energy Alliance’s Southeast Director Brydon Ross writes in The Herald Sun about how shale energy development will help North Carolina’s natural gas supply and help the state’s economy flourish.

Commonly referred to as “fracking,” hydraulic fracturing has received much national attention recently, as the technology has enabled a resurgence in American oil and natural gas production. In fact, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently estimated that the United States overtook Russia as the world’s largest oil and gas producer.

Fortunately, the prospect of it occurring here in the Tar Heel State could bring new opportunities and energy supplies to the region. Of course, as has been the case elsewhere, this has been a topic of intense political debate in the state. While some North Carolinians are concerned that hydraulic fracturing could negatively impact our state’s groundwater supplies, it’s worth mentioning that over 1.2 million oil and natural gas wells have undergone the process without negatively impacting groundwater resources.

In fact, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy noted “there’s nothing inherently dangerous in fracking,” and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz reiterated that sentiment stating, “I still have not seen any evidence of fracking per se contaminating groundwater.”

The prospect of shale development occurring in the state is exciting, as it could diversify our state’s natural gas supply and help North Carolina’s economy flourish.

It’s time for North Carolina to be vigilant in advancing projects and policies that support an “all-of the-above” energy portfolio. Energy diversity is a critical issue for the Tar Heel State’s future economic success, and we need to promote policies that support expanded responsible development of American resources, in particular those that are here in North Carolina.