Little Rock, Arkansas – Members of Arkansas’ Congressional Delegation joined with state lawmakers, business and labor leaders this morning in front of 350 miles on 80 acres of steel pipeline stored at Welspun Tubular to highlight the economic fallout from ongoing delays to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline.
U.S. Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR):
“Building the Keystone XL Pipeline is a no brainer. Unfortunately, we’re still waiting on the President to approve this project. I’m pleased to be here today at Welspun to reaffirm that we’re not backing down. We’ll continue to fight for this project because building the Keystone XL Pipeline is about securing our nation’s economic future.”
U.S. Congressman Tom Cotton (R-AR):
“Approving the Keystone XL pipeline is a win for Arkansas¹s economy. The House voted to approve the pipeline last year, but unfortunately it remains stalled in the Senate, where it so far has to even be scheduled for debate. Our underground transportation infrastructure is aging and this is an opportunity to replace it with state-of-the-art pipe, built right here in the Natural State. I appreciate Welspun for hosting today¹s event and will continue to work to get the Keystone XL pipeline approved.”
U.S. Congressman Tim Griffin (R-AR):
“Hardworking Americans are ready for a real, all-of-the-above energy strategy, and building the Keystone XL pipeline will strengthen our energy security and grow American jobs. Here at Welspun in Little Rock, the project has already contributed to more jobs from additional pipe construction. Government analysis shows Keystone will add $3.4 billion to the U.S. economy. It’s time for President Obama to do the right thing for American workers and allow Keystone to be built.”
Michael Whatley, Executive VP, Consumer Energy Alliance:
“Politics at its worst has kept 3,900 construction workers off the job and it has kept this pipeline from helping America become energy self-sufficient. The small and large firms which drive the U.S. economy need access to affordable and reliable sources of energy. Delaying construction, denies energy consumers, both commercial and residential, access to affordable energy – whether that is gasoline or diesel to drive their car or truck or it is the home heating oil they use to keep their families warm during the winter.”
Consumer Energy Alliance polled in April and found 70% of Arkansas voters approve of the Keystone XL Pipeline and 46% will factor in a candidate’s position on energy issues before voting on Election Day.
Arkansas based Welspun Tubular, Inc. is one of the manufacturers tapped by TransCanada to build the 36’’ diameter steel pipeline needed to complete the fourth leg of the Keystone pipeline system. The last leg will need 3,900 construction workers to build out the 1,100 miles of new pipeline capable of transporting 830,000 barrels of crude oil a day from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, NE.
Consumer Energy Alliance coordinates www.BuildKXLNow.org a nationwide grassroots campaign to build support for building the Keystone XL Pipeline.