19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA discusses impact of rising fuel costs on consumers


Consumer Energy Alliance’s Southeast Director Brydon Ross is interviewed by WUKY on the impact rising fuels costs on consumers.

With gas topping $3 for nearly three-and-a-half years now, according to AAA data, communities are looking for ways to bring down the costs.

And one Kentucky town is preparing to take matters into its own hands by buying gas direct from refiners and selling it based on average regional costs.

With little relief in sight and complaints about higher gas prices in town than in surrounding communities, the city plans to operate ten pumps starting later this month to help lessen the pain at the pump. Brydon Ross with the Consumer Energy Alliance says if prices keep inching upward, individuals will be looking for new solutions as well.

“Any time we approach the $4 a gallon mark you’ll see consumers getting more innovative, creative, and unfortunately more desperate in trying to figure out ways to save money on fuel costs. Because that’s a fixed cost. Folks really can’t chose not to drive to work,” he says.

In the short term, Ross recommends checking tire pressure at least once a month, limiting air conditioner use, and exploring mass transit options.