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The Deal with Denton


What is happening in Denton, TX?

Despite a strong record of economic growth and environmental improvement, anti-energy activists across the nation are working to ban energy production at every level. In Colorado, ballot initiatives seek to ban hydraulic fracturing across the state. In Pennsylvania, activists continue to push tired old talking points about environmental degradation in an attempt to limit production in the Marcellus Shale.

Now that fight is coming to Texas, the nation’s top energy producer.

A small group, led by a philosophy professor at a local university, wants to ban hydraulic fracturing in Denton a city in the heart of the Barnett Shale natural gas field. The Barnett Shale accounts for almost 40% of economic growth in the region and $30 million to the city in taxes.

A ban on hydraulic fracturing would put an end to natural gas production and the jobs and millions in tax receipts it creates. Natural gas production from fields like the Barnett Shale also help the U.S. to lead the world in lowering carbon emissions, reducing the impacts of climate change.

Banning energy production is bad for everyone. The energy industry should continue to be held to a high standard on health, safety and the environment at the same time that we reap the economic benefits of drilling for oil and natural gas. America can, and does, have both environmental protection and energy production.

Simply saying “NO” benefits no one.

UPDATE: Attend a City Council hearing in Denton to make your voice heard. The hearing is on Tuesday at 6:30PM at the Denton City Hall located at 215 E. McKinney Street. Registration for speakers at 1:00pm. Speakers will be called on a first-come, first-served basis.



Associated PressDenton, Texas Considers Fracking Ban, Hopes To Attract Sriracha Factory
NPR: What a Ban on Fracking in Denton Could Mean For the Rest of Texas