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Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA in Raleigh to Discuss Impacts of Shale Energy Production


The Associated Press reports on a public hearing in Raleigh, North Carolina focused on proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations in the state, with organizations such as CEA’s Michael Whatley taking to the podium to discuss shale energy impacts for the state.

Nearly 400 people filled an auditorium at North Carolina State University for the first of four meetings during a comment period that lasts until the end of September. The state Mining and Energy Commission will analyze comments and consider revisions to the rules, which then must undergo a fiscal review before legislators have the final say.

Michael Whatley, executive vice president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, said North Carolina manufacturers have been able to add jobs and expand operations because of affordable, domestic, natural gas.

“The CEA strongly supports development of U.S. shale resources and applauds the efforts of the state to move forward with a sensible regulatory regime to oversee production of its energy resources,” Whatley said.