HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Crafton, Tull & Associates as its newest affiliate member.
Since 2007, the Crafton Tull Energy Division has surveyed over 5,000 miles of pipeline right-of-way, staked over 5,000 well locations, and surveyed hundreds of square miles of ownership in Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. The professionals at Crafton Tull recognize that speed and accuracy directly impact clients’ success, therefore, they implement advanced technologies to improve performance at all levels.
“We are very proud of the success of our team. We credit much of that success to mutual respect and the idea that failure is not an option,” said Lane Housley, Executive Vice President for Energy Services. “By partnering with CEA, we are looking forward to continued success with not only Energy projects but all projects for our clients and communities we serve.”
Crafton Tull is a six-office, multi-discipline professional service firm with offices located throughout the Arkansas and Oklahoma region. Engineering News Record ranks them among the top 500 design firm nationally. They are currently ranked the 203rd largest architectural practice by Architectural Record and one of the fastest growing architectural, engineering and surveying firms by Zweig White.
“CEA is more than pleased to be affiliated with a solid company like Crafton Tull,” said Executive Vice President Tommy Foltz. “The services they provide play a vital role in developing energy infrastructure projects necessary to deliver affordable energy to the consumer in a safe and responsible way. We look forward to a long working relationship with them.”
For more information on Crafton, Tull & Associates, visit their website.
For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, please visit beta.consumerenergyalliance.org or contact Amelie Fredland at (713) 337-8833, afredland@consmerenergyalliance.org.