Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt released this statement following today’s release of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s final Clean Power Plan:
“Consumer Energy Alliance is disappointed that the White House failed to give significant consideration to the impacts to energy consumers in its final version of the Environmental Protection Agency’s ‘Clean Power Plan’ released today.
“Study after study has shown that these rules will raise both electricity and natural gas prices for all American consumers, threaten grid reliability and security, and take an amount of electricity equal to the total electricity demand of New England offline with no plan to replace the lost production. All within an extremely tight timeline.
“CEA remains committed to fighting for affordable reliable electricity supplies and will work directly with the states to develop an implementation strategy for these regulations that will minimize the damage that they inflict on the economy.”
The rule as released cracks down on carbon dioxide emissions from power generation plants under section 111d of the Clean Air Act.