19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Let Markets Deliver Energy Win for PA


Compressor station in Pennsylvania

As America produces more domestic energy, families across our nation are seeing more affordable gasoline prices.  Yet, not every area of the country is realizing these benefits as infrastructure bottlenecks keep prices artificially high.  These constraints can be resolved by enhancing existing energy infrastructure to meet growing demand.

The abundant supplies of crude oil now being produced in North America, combined with huge investments by Midwest refiners, already are providing consumers in the Midwest with more low-cost, secure, domestically manufactured fuels. Pennsylvanians can share in these benefits if a proposal by Buckeye Partners to bring more of this lower cost fuel into the Commonwealth is allowed to proceed…

…Because of the expanding production of Midwest refineries over the past decade, the average price of gasoline from those facilities continues to fall compared to East Coast supplies. This direct result of the energy revolution in the U.S. is a long-lasting and sustainable trend, and one that all Pennsylvanians should be allowed to enjoy.

Read more – Delco Times