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Consumer Energy Alliance

Florida Rebuilds in Hurricane Aftermath Thanks to Dedicated Power & Fuel Workers


Flooding after severe weather

As Florida begins to rebuild, CEA-Florida’s Regional Director Kevin Doyle recognizes the dedicated energy technicians whose vital work ensured the grid was reactivated soon after the record-breaking Hurricane Irma left more than 12 million people without power.

Hurricane Irma arrived and left a trail of destruction throughout most of Florida. After the storm passed, Floridians from throughout the state came together to help one another rebuild. Many groups should be recognized for their role in helping to get Florida back up and running. One group that should get some special attention is our electricity providers.

From Florida Power & Light, JEA, Gulf Power and members of the Florida Electric Cooperatives Association to the utilities and electric cooperatives from all around the country who sent men, women and equipment to help as crews worked around the clock to ensure that electricity was turned back on as quickly as possible in challenging conditions.

Another group that needs to be recognized are Florida’s energy and fuel providers. Working with Governor Scott, fuel companies and the logistics and transportation companies have worked together to deliver desperately needed fuel to residents. They should be commended that in spite of inadequate energy infrastructure and limited production here in Florida, they have been able to deliver the necessary fuel while over six millions residents evacuated.

Kevin Doyle, Tallahassee 

Excerpt From – Jacksonville.com