19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

John Eichberger

John Eichberger is Executive Director of the Transportation Energy Institute, a nonprofit that evaluates issues affecting the vehicles and fuels markets.

Founded by NACS in 2013 as the Fuels Institute, the Transportation Energy Institute is a non-profit social welfare organization that publishes fact-based research designed to answer relevant market questions, not advocate for any specific outcome. Led by a diverse Board of transportation experts, the Institute is an objective and collaborative research organization that does not advocate. Its peer-reviewed reports are geared toward all industry stakeholders and because of its non-advocacy approach, it has become the most diverse organization in the transportation sector.

Previously, Eichberger served more than 14 years at NACS, representing the convenience and fuel retailing industry before the media and federal government.

With more than 25 years of related experience, Eichberger is a recognized expert on the transportation energy market.