Gulf of Mexico Energy Development is at Risk

Just last year, the production in the Gulf generated more than $5 BILLION dollars for the Federal Treasury, Land and Water Conservation Fund, Historic Preservation Fund, and OUR state and local governments.

But now, Gulf of Mexico energy development is at risk and so are the funds that help aide in hurricane and coastal restoration, money for land and water conservation as well as funding for our national parks!

Without long term planning to protect our current energy development – this money and all the jobs associated with offshore oil, gas and wind development could be lost! That’s more than 200,000 people across the Gulf along with the people who feed, train and have businesses in the communities where they live.

Tell your senator why protecting Gulf energy is so important!

Last year alone, $353 MILLION was allocated to the Gulf for hurricane mitigation and restoration! We need this money now more than ever!

Without long term planning in Congress this money and all of these jobs could be lost – but you can help.

Tell your Senator you need their support to protect offshore workers and the money for our communities that comes from offshore development.

They need to hear from you, and here is how you can reach them!


1. Email your senator and tell them to support the legislation that keeps rig lease sales going past 2020.

Contact Cornyn (TX)         Contact Cruz (TX)  

Contact Kennedy (LA)         Contact Cassidy (LA)  

Contact Wicker (MS)         Contact Hyde-Smith (MS)  

Contact Shelby (AL) 

2. Email this page to your friends and colleagues and ask them to help as well.

3. Share on social media using the icons below. This will help to spread the news that we need everyone’s help to save these funds.

Help us keep offshore business and the economic benefits we receive in the Gulf, alive. It takes all of us.

[bctt tweet=”We need @JohnCornyn @SenTedCruz to help us protect jobs and flood mitigation funding across the Gulf of Mexico. Will you help us? ” via=”no”]

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