Support Offshore Jobs Along the Gulf Coast

Today, more than 200,000 offshore workers from Alabama to Texas help ensure that our homes are warm in the winter and cool in the summer, that our cars have the gas to get us around, and that our country can move closer to energy independence instead of relying on foreign energy.

These same offshore workers rely on local services and training from millions of others whose jobs help fuel our economy and power our communities. They are the safety inspectors, helicopter pilots, tugboat operators, port personnel, company recruiters and so many others.

Thank you for being a part of the industry that keeps us all running!

Right now, these jobs are at risk! Without long term planning in Congress these jobs could be lost – and even more jobs after that all across the community.

WE NEED YOUR HELP. We need jobs like yours. Your Senator needs to know that you need their support to protect offshore workers and the money for our community that comes from offshore development.

They need to hear from you, and here is how you can reach them!


    1. Share on social media via the icons below to get the word out about the importance of offshore jobs and how they can help.
    2. Email your senator and tell them to support the legislation that keeps rig lease sales going past 2020.

Contact Cornyn (TX)         Contact Cruz (TX)  

Contact Kennedy (LA)         Contact Cassidy (LA)  

Contact Wicker (MS)         Contact Hyde-Smith (MS)  

Contact Shelby (AL) 

3. Email this page to your friends and colleagues and ask them to help as well.

Help us keep offshore business and the economic benefits we receive in the Gulf, alive. It takes all of us.

[bctt tweet=”we need @JohnCornyn @SenTedCruz to help us protect jobs across the Gulf of Mexico. Will you help us? ” via=”no”]
