CEA Alaska

CEA’s Alaska chapter works to raise awareness about Alaska’s contribution to domestic energy production for the lower 48. Alaska’s onshore and offshore production are crucial to the oil supply for America’s western region as well as America’s geopolitical presence in the Arctic region and America’s overall consumer energy prices.

Mother and Child By Fireplace

Buckle Up for ‘Worst Case Scenario’: Winter to Bring Massive Energy Price Increases

With a colder than normal winter expected for the United States, CEA's David Holt joined CBN News to talk about how this will impact...
Ethanol refinery with farm fields

The Greatest Energy Mistake Ever Made

As energy prices continue their upward trajectory, CEA's David Holt looks at how government regulations continue to discourage investment in a sustainable, clean energy...
Worker in Winter

Keep Alaska, Gulf of Mexico Sales in Next 5-year OCS Plan, Groups Say

CEA President David Holt was quoted in Alaska Business Monthly in support of offshore energy exploration. Oil and gas lease sales in the Beaufort and...
Riding Bus in Rain

White House Does Victory Lap on Gas Prices While Other Energy Prices Skyrocket

While some politicians are focusing on small decreases in the price of gasoline, despite remaining at historic highs, CEA's latest analysis on winter heating...
Anti-Pipeline activist violence

Stop Hurting Environment American Energy Protecting

David Holt, CEA's President, addresses the recent increase in extremists attempting to sabotage or tamper with America's energy infrastructure - and the real, deadly...
Oil rig in Atlantic Ocean

The Rod Arquette Show with David Holt

CEA's David Holt appeared on The Rod Arquette Show to talk about the negative effects of oil and gas lease bans on federal lands...
White House with Marine One Parked on Lawn

Give New Leadership and Energy a Chance

CEA President David Holt was featured in RealClear Energy discussing the results of the 2016 Presidential Election and its impact on energy policy. The silent...
Offshore oil platform in ocean

Will America Reverse an Offshore Oil and Gas Agenda Gone Adrift?

CEA's Jack Belcher discusses the importance of taking at thoughtful, deliberative approach to implement successful policies for offshore energy exploration. In what promises to be one of...
Natural gas used for cooking

Natural Gas: Why U.S. Leads World in Cutting Emissions

Anti-energy activists have created more chaos, only hurting families and small businesses on a budget, by wrongfully villainizing natural gas without fact-checking first. Most...
Pennsylvania Avenue and United States Capitol

Minnesota Mining Ban Hurts America’s Environmental Progress

Hampering American Mining Puts America’s Environmental Goals in Foreign Hands WASHINGTON, D.C. - Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families...