19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


CEA Mid-Continent

The Mid-Continent is not only rich in resources but is an area that refines most of our counties oil and natural gas. It is also home to Texas, which is the largest producer of wind power in the country.

Ethanol refinery with farm fields

As energy prices continue their upward trajectory, CEA’s David Holt looks at how government regulations continue to discourage investment in a sustainable, clean energy future. Government action to hammer an.

Family Preparing Food on Natural Gas Stove

Louisville, Kentucky – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, thanked Kentucky House Natural Resources and Energy Chairman Jim Gooch for introducing HR.

Austin Texas skyscrapers skyline aerial at sunset from helicopter

As multiple state and federal elected officials discuss the suspension of gas taxes to lower prices at the pump, CEA’s David Holt joined KTRH to discuss some the implications this.

Oil Tanker

CEA’s Kevin Doyle joined The Global Lane on CBN News to discuss how commonsense energy policies can help the Biden Administration fulfill promises to America’s allies while also proving lower,.

Semi trucks on the road

CEA’s President David Holt talked with Shara and Jim on Houston’s Morning News about soaring energy prices and the necessity of oil and natural gas production to ensure affordable energy.

oil and gas

CEA President Holt examines the history of offshore leasing for energy exploration and production and how freezing federal lease sales leads to higher gas prices for families and small businesses..

Putting gas in car

Michael Zehr, CEA’s federal policy advisor recently sat down with Cheddar News to talk about soaring gas prices and the pain consumers will be feeling when paying their energy bills.

Warehouse with boxes

WASHINGTON, D.C. – America’s businesses and manufacturers can expect to pay at least $41.4 billion more for business-related energy costs in 2022, according to analysis by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA),.

Two offshore oil rigs during sunset

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading U.S. energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, issued the following statement in response to the Department of Interior’s interim.

Woman Looking At Her Computer

Consumers are facing rising prices everywhere – from gas and food to lumber and electronics. CEA’s David Holt spoke with KTRH about our increasing energy bills and what smart energy.