CEA Midwest

With growing domestic energy production, the American Midwest is experiencing a resurgence in economic growth. CEA Midwest gives a voice to Midwest manufacturers and other job creators benefitting from new opportunities afforded by energy production.

Manufacturing worker in a factory

Shutting Down Line 5 Would Be an Ongoing Disaster for Canada and U.S.

State and national governments are reviewing the impacts shutting down Line 5 would have on jobs, economic development, and the environment across the region. ...
Older farmer on a tractor

Keystone XL Is a Must-have for Nebraska — and Its Farmers

Executive Vice President of Consumer Energy Alliance, Michael Whatley, appeared in the Grand Island Independent news to discuss the benefits of pipeline infrastructure, particularly...
Minneapolis, Minnesota from Stone Arch Bridge

Minnesota Tribe Asks: Can Wild Rice Have Its Own Legal Rights?

CEA Midwest Executive Director was interviewed on techniques used by extreme activist groups that try to abuse the U.S. legal system in their attempts...
Mom and daughter grocery shopping

Consumer Group Disappointed with Minnesota Agency Claiming to Protect Public Interest

Consumer Group Expresses Disappointment in Government Agency Claiming to Protect Public Interest COLUMBUS – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt today released the following...
Man putting gas in car

Line 5 Essential to Energy Security and Affordability

CEA's latest report on the importance of Line 5 was discussed by the Toronto Sun editorial board.  Without Line 5, families and businesses across the...
Tractor in a farm field

Consumer Group Announces 38 Public Officials and Candidates Signed Energy Consumer Protection Pledge

COLUMBUS, OH —Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Midwest Executive Director, Chris Ventura announced today that the groups Energy Consumer Protection Pledge has been signed by...
Family riding bikes in the woods

In Defense of Locally Produced Energy

CEA's Chris Ventura compares those who opposed advancements in technology and machinery that lead to the Industrial Revolution back in the 1800s to those...
Driving a classic car

CEA Applauds Ohio House Passage of Bill Protecting Consumers’ Right to Buy Vehicles of...

• House Bill 201 prohibits restriction of sale of motor vehicles based on power source • Freedom of vehicle choice supports affordable, reliable energy COLUMBUS -...
Gas station fuel pump octane

David Holt on the Morning Drive with Joel Riley

CEA's David Holt was interviewed by Joel Riley on what families can expect to see when paying at the gas pump. Read more - News...
Mother and little son in the car reading

Consumer Energy Alliance Touts Shale Boom Energy Cost Savings for West Virginia Consumers

While at Shale Insight, CEA's Mike Butler had the opportunity to discuss one of CEA's most recent reports, "Powering West Virginia," with The Dominion Post. Shale gas talk usually...