CEA Midwest

With growing domestic energy production, the American Midwest is experiencing a resurgence in economic growth. CEA Midwest gives a voice to Midwest manufacturers and other job creators benefitting from new opportunities afforded by energy production.

Father helping son on computer

Consumer Advocate Releases Report on Missouri Grid Modernization Benefits and Needs

Jefferson City, MO — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released a report titled, “Missouri Families, Small Businesses and Households Need a Modern, Upgraded Grid,”...
Mom cooking with children

Western Caucus Addresses Green New Deal

CEA's Michael Zehr discussed the consumer impact of the Green New Deal with households across the country requiring over $244 billion just to replace...
Storage of pipe line segments for placement

Supporters, Opponents Bring Familiar Arguments to 10-hour Public Hearing on Keystone XL Pipeline

Michael Whatley recently discussed the importance of pipeline infrastructure and how Keystone XL would help alleviate rail and traffic congestion for Nebraskans. The volume of oil...

Wheeling Energy Conference Focuses on Area Challenges, Opportunities

CEA's Brydon Ross was featured on West Virginia Public Radio following the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum. Representatives from energy and manufacturing industries, as...
Two machinists working on machine

A Growing West Virginia Should Make Everyone Happy, But Not Everyone Is

CEA's Chris Ventura and West Virginia Oil & Natural Gas Association's Anne Blankenship discuss how developing West Virginia's natural resources has had a positive...
Oil and Gas Refinery Workers

Mariner East 2 Pipeline Construction Begins in Northern Lancaster County

Employing nearly 8,000 workers while under construction, once completed, Mariner East 2 will provide critical supplies of propane, ethane, and butane to dry crops...
Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

Bad Energy Policies May Freeze Out Families With High Prices This Winter: New CEA...

EIA Winter Fuels Outlook Shows New Price Burden for Older Americans, After 1 Million Fell Into Poverty in Last Year WASHINGTON  - Consumer Energy Alliance(CEA),...
Two steel construction workers welding metal

Infrastructure Supports Affordable Energy

Chris Ventura, CEA's Midwest Executive Director discusses how infrastructure such as pipelines and transmission lines allow for economic growth in Ohio's manufacturing sector. This low-cost...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Steelworkers Join with Consumer Energy and Environmental Advocate to Voice Support for Ohio House...

Columbus – Consumer Energy Alliance, the leading voice for responsible energy and environmental policies for families and businesses, and the United Steelworkers District 1...
Children Having Bath And Brushing Teeth

Civil Rights Leaders Double Down on Natural Gas

As CEA continues to advocate for access to affordable, reliable energy, we've found that low-income households rely heavily on natural gas for that affordability....