CEA Southeast

The southeast is faced with new changes to the regions electricity generation portfolio mandated by federal rules and regulations, roadblocks to increased electricity generation from clean sources of power like nuclear, and opportunities in offshore wind and oil and natural gas exploration.  CEA Southeast wants to ensure the affordability and reliability of electricity and transportation fuels for all energy consumers.

Solar panel installation on household

CEA Report: States Are Seeking More Economically Efficient Solar Incentives

Energy Manager Today took a look at CEA's solar incentive analysis. As part of Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA’s) Solar Energy Future campaign, the 400,000-member nationwide advocacy group...
Elementary school kids climbing on to a school bus

More Compromise Needed in Energy Policy

CEA's Tim Page talks about how energy availability and affordability effect all energy consumers - from families to small businesses - and what we...
Columbia South Carolina

Energy Bills

Kevin Doyle, CEA's Vice President for State Affairs, defines the need for South Carolina to be a part of offshore discussions. To understand why, look...

CEA discusses impact of rising fuel costs on consumers

Consumer Energy Alliance's Southeast Director Brydon Ross is interviewed by WUKY on the impact rising fuels costs on consumers. With gas topping $3 for nearly...
Solar panel installation

Florida Should Take Another Look at Its Solar Policy

Kevin Doyle, CEA-Florida Executive Director looks at how Floridians are benefiting from access to solar energy and how new policies can make solar more...
Port cranes loading ship

Thwarting Efforts to Learn About Energy Hurts Lower-Income Families

CEA President David Holt looks at how some special interest groups are working to prevent scientific studies that examine the potential for offshore energy...
Georgia At Night

Even as Energy Demand Increased, Georgia’s Emissions Fell by Roughly 95 Percent

Atlanta, Ga. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released a Georgia emissions analysis that looks at key pollutants and the overall environmental improvements seen across the state in recent years....
Cars in Traffic

Florida, Keep the Pedal Down on Energy Production

CEA Florida's Kevin Doyle talks about the negative impact high energy costs have historically had on families and businesses and what can be done...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Most Voters in Three Mid-Atlantic States Back Pipelines, Poll Says

CEA recently conducted a poll on energy and infrastructure development which received wide media coverage. Majorities of voters in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina...
Inside of waste to energy power plant

Waste-to-Energy technology provides Florida a new option for electricity

Recently in Palm Beach County, community leaders gathered for a tour of the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County Renewable Energy Park, including...