19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


CEA Southeast

The southeast is faced with new changes to the regions electricity generation portfolio mandated by federal rules and regulations, roadblocks to increased electricity generation from clean sources of power like nuclear, and opportunities in offshore wind and oil and natural gas exploration.  CEA Southeast wants to ensure the affordability and reliability of electricity and transportation fuels for all energy consumers.

FREDERICKSBURG – Earlier today, the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) announced the ban of offshore oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

FREDERICKSBURG – Virginia could receive up to $250 million dollars annually in revenue sharing payments from offshore energy development, according to a report released today by the Southeast Energy Alliance.

Although the full ramifications of the Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico will not be apparent for years, we can clearly tell that the explosion and resultant oil.

Southeastern Consumer Energy Group Urges Interior Dept. to Make Commonsense Investments into American Energy Highlights Need to Ensure Offshore Production is Done Safely, Responsibly Fredericksburg, Va. – May 4, 2010.

The following op-ed from David Batt, Executive Director of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. April 8, 2010 While I appreciate the president’s effort to.

The following op-ed from Bob Morrison, an individual supporter of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. April 8, 2010 Finally, President Obama announced that he.

The following op-ed from David Batt, Executive Director of Consumer Energy Alliance – Florida, appeared in The Destin Log newspaper and may be viewed here. April 5, 2010 Moving one.

Fredericksburg, Va. – March 31, 2010 The Southeast Energy Alliance (SEA), a non-partisan energy coalition that includes farm bureaus, state manufacturing associations, chambers of commerce, rural electric cooperatives and individual.

Fredericksburg, Va. – January 27, 2010 The decision on the part of the Interior Department to delay administrative action on a scheduled and critically important lease sale more than 50.

Fredericksburg, Va. – December 29, 2009 How important is offshore energy exploration to the economic future of Virginia? So important that the state’s incoming governor has already written to Interior.