Improve Methane Rules
With more energy regulations coming down from Washington, D.C., CEA Southwest Executive Director Matthew Gonzales examines the impact this will have on New Mexico's...
Improve Methane Rules
CEA Southwest Executive Director Matthew Gonzales looks at how recent regulatory efforts will harm New Mexico families and businesses, without improving our shared environment.
EV Adoption Could Cause Energy Grid Blackouts
CEA President, David Holt, joined the TD Ameritrade Network to discuss CEA's latest report, Freedom to Fuel: Consumer Choice in the Automotive Marketplace, and the...
Red States Are Blocking Blue Cities from Setting Climate Policies
As activist groups attempt to limit consumer choice by banning appliances and preventing the construction of renewable power generation, transmission, and other critical energy...
Electric Vehicle Mandates Carry Major Price, Electricity Supply Risks That Must Be Addressed to...
Government EV Directives Ignore – Sometimes Intentionally – Serious Issues That Will Hurt EV Acceptance
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and...
Administration’s Use of Expedited Permitting Process for Arizona Critical Minerals Project a Positive First...
FAST-41-created agency will shepherd zinc, manganese mining project forward
Enabling domestic mining more effective than taking U.S. resources off table
WASHINGTON - Consumer Energy...
The Lack of Critical Thinking on Critical Minerals Mining Threatens Our Future
As elected officials and policymakers continue to push for an energy transition, many neglect to ensure that the materials necessary - from cobalt and...
EV Options are Good for Consumers, EPA’s Proposal to Force Unrealistic EV Sales Mandates...
Lack of U.S. critical minerals development means almost total reliance on China for EV parts, creating national security & environmental risks while hurting consumers
How The Push Towards Green Energy Is Affecting Energy Prices
CEA President, David Holt, joined the TD Ameritrade Network to discuss OPEC's latest production cuts and the impact that may have on gas prices and...
Calling All Consumers: It’s Time to Recall Our Failing Energy Policies
We are in an exciting, evolutionary moment for energy and the environment. Wind and solar power are coming onto the grid at a breakneck...