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Kentuckians for Solar Fairness

Know the Terminology

There are three principal ways solar energy is deployed in the country: Utility-Scale, Rooftop-Owned, and Third Party-Leasing.

Learn The Difference
There are many different ways you can go “solar” and support its expansion, and terminology can be confusing. Learn more about universal solar and private solar.

How Do Kentucky's Solar Credits Work?

Power companies in Kentucky provide credits for excess power from private solar customers, but these credits are based on a much higher electric rate.

How Do Kentucky’s Solar Credits Work?
Kentucky’s private solar credits were made to jump-start rather than serve as a permanent foundation for buying solar. Learn more about solar credits.

How Does Cost Shifting Occur?
It is important to understand that private solar customers do not use the grid the same way as non-solar customers. Learn more about cost shifting.

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Research Proves That Cost Shifting Happens

A recent study by the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory confirmed that high levels of use from private solar credits can leave customers without solar panels paying more for their electricity. (Read More)

Fair Solar Rates Help Low Income Kentucky Families
With almost 20% of households below the poverty line, many families cannot afford to pay for their neighbors’ private solar credits.

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Current Private Solar Programs Are Not Efficient or Sustainable

In 2016, CEA conducted an analysis across 15 states that detailed the federal, state, and local incentives available for rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV). It found in many states total incentives are greater than a solar system’s total costs and these significant incentives are pushing costs onto less affluent customers who cannot participate in private solar programs.

What About Community Solar? In the spring of 2017, Kentucky’s largest community solar facility, Cooperative Solar One, was approved for construction. This solar farm will have more than 32,000 panels, enough to power almost 1,000 homes. (Read More)
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Fair Solar Should Mean Fair Prices

Private solar customers sell their power back to the grid at 300% higher than market-rate for wholesale power in Kentucky.