By the title, you probably think that I’m referring to a recent drop in gasoline prices. While lower fuel costs should certainly come as welcome news, the “unlikely” victory comes.
On the eve of Memorial Day weekend, families across the nation are gearing up for those joyous summer pastimes: vacations to the beach, neighborhood block parties, and summer camp, just.
As tens of thousands of energy professionals descend upon Houston this week for the 2012 Offshore Technology Conference, we are reminded just how far technology has come in such a.
The uncertain state of regulation Last week, we learned about plans for a new set of regulations covering natural gas production from hydraulic fracturing. And this week, the Interior Department.
In recent weeks we have highlighted current estimates of oil and gas reserves in the U.S., how these estimates have increased dramatically in recent years, and why that gives us.
One of the more striking details from CEA President David Holt’s recent testimony before Congress was that – with the recent rise in crude oil prices – farmers are now.
A look at U.S. gas price charts this week shows the cost of a gallon of gasoline moving ever closer to $4 a gallon. And if you look closely at.
As a Republican primary election heads into some key southern states, CEA is taking the lead in keeping energy policy at the front of the agenda. On March 12 we.
This month, CEA together with several partner organizations, will host another event for policymakers and Presidential candidates to talk about the important role energy plays in our economy and our.
We hear a lot these days about high and rising gas prices and almost as much about how this is a very complex issue. This week, we offer a reminder.