
We all are energy!

How often have you said you feel full of energy … or that you don’t have the energy to complete another task, walk that...

Rediscover energy in October

October is a month of learning and discovery here at CEA, as we host our first Energy Day festival in Houston: a fun, educational...

Not too good to be true

Some of the latest research on U.S. petroleum reserves paints a refreshingly optimistic picture of our future capacity – not just in shale gas...

Do you know how many miles per gallon you’re getting?

If you’re like many consumers, you have no idea of your car’s mileage per gallon. You probably took note of the number when you...

One single industry: Many ways to create jobs (a recap)

This past Monday marked yet another downbeat Labor Day, with too many people who ought to have been taking a break from work, lacking...

Myths and Realities about Energy Production in the Gulf

There has been much discussion -- and spin -- recently on the state of responsible American energy production, the most contentious of which has...

The ABCs of conservation

Schools have been teaching energy conservation for decades. Now more of those schools are able to incorporate a little math into their lessons about...

Still one of our greatest resources

The United States isn’t running out of oil, but you might think otherwise given the rate at which we are producing this valuable natural...

Impact of Gulf drilling restrictions may be worse – and more widely felt –...

Over the past year, we’ve devoted several blog posts to the state of the Gulf economy and the ways it has been hurt, first...

How to be the coolest person in the room

Whether you’re basking in triple-digit temperatures or frowning over a triple-digit power bill this July, we thought you’d enjoy this news out of Japan...