19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



Oil producers, together with all sorts of businesses that have long supported the oil industry in the Gulf of Mexico, are hopeful about a scheduled oil lease sale in December,.

A diverse group of Alaskan residents, including U.S. Congressmen, Alaskan Governor Sean Parnell, business owners, community leaders and ordinary workers who all support oil and gas exploration and production on.

We’ve spent the month of October thinking big and encouraging our supporters, along with children everywhere, to do the same. The ability of Americans to imagine, and think outside the.

One of the many fascinating exhibits the 12,000 guests of Energy Day enjoyed this past weekend was the winning plan – designed by four middle school girls – in the.

This Saturday, at Hermann Square Park in downtown Houston, CEA will showcase some of the latest technologies that are letting us find more fuel, produce more fuel, conserve more fuel,.

How often have you said you feel full of energy … or that you don’t have the energy to complete another task, walk that last mile, or just stay awake?.

October is a month of learning and discovery here at CEA, as we host our first Energy Day festival in Houston: a fun, educational event showcasing energy in all its.

Some of the latest research on U.S. petroleum reserves paints a refreshingly optimistic picture of our future capacity – not just in shale gas which is often touted as the.

If you’re like many consumers, you have no idea of your car’s mileage per gallon. You probably took note of the number when you acquired the car, but soon enough.

This past Monday marked yet another downbeat Labor Day, with too many people who ought to have been taking a break from work, lacking work altogether. This week there are.