
Energy hogs & cow power on the server farm

Remember this post about generating power from cow manure? It’s catching on. Computer and software giant Hewlett-Packard has produced a paper outlining how dairy farmers could...

Solar power for those who need it most

While it would be nice to declare that solar power was available to all American households, that remains a formidable challenge that could be...

The cost of energy: Reason prevails

Last week, CEA President David Holt weighed in on an online debate about the way the country and the energy industry should respond to...

California wind power: Past and future

Most residents of northern California are familiar with the Altamont Pass Wind Farm, a collection of almost 500 wind turbines that cover the hills about...

Cape Wind: Community Power

There is much to celebrate about the recent approval late last month of the Cape Wind project off the coast of Massachusetts. And while much...

The Scoop on Appliance Rebates

Did you know that many states are running programs that give Americans rebates on purchasing new energy efficient appliances for their homes? The deal...

Home Landscaping to Maximize Energy

Did you know that the landscaping around your house can help you maximize energy efficiency and cut costs? In the U.S., there are four...

Bank bucks with Energy Star Rebates & Special Offers!

Calling all consumers! Visit the website to view current rebates and special offers from Energy Star partners. The handy online search tool enables...

Bring Your Green To WORK!

Maybe you’ve already made your home energy-efficient – now it’s time to take your green to work! is currently promoting a nationwide campaign...

Make Energy Efficiency a New Year’s Resolution

The start of a new year is the perfect time to rededicate yourself to saving energy (and therefore saving money!) Make energy efficiency one...