19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



In his State of the Union address last month, President Obama got a lot of people excited when he mentioned that it was time to “make tough choices on offshore.

Is the Interior Department really giving a fair and balanced review of the properties up for consideration for oil and gas leasing? Or, as the data we posted earlier this.

A few weeks ago, when we were basking in a festive holiday spirit, we made a long list of all the things CEA and its supporters had achieved in 2009..

Last month, Exxon Mobil made a major investment in XTO, one of the largest shale gas producers in the U.S., and the in the weeks since then, a number of.

Last year, a severe budget crisis in the country’s most populous state made California the site of a lively – and unexpected — debate over reviving offshore drilling. Now Governor.

CEA’s recent year in review offered a long list of achievements in public policy, technology and public opinion that all helped advance our goals of fostering a strong domestic energy.

Permafrost, as everyone who has worked in the oil sector in Alaska knows, describes soil that remains frozen year round. Back in the 1970s, when a group of oil companies.

New Year’s brings a time for all of us to review what we’ve accomplished over the past 12 months and chart a course for the future. It may sound cliché,.

Folks living within a vast swath of the eastern United States had their festive plans for caroling and last-minute holiday shopping disrupted over the weekend by the biggest snow storm.

Exxon Mobil this week announced plans to buy the independent gas producer XTO Energy for $41 billion – by far the largest deal for the company since the merger between.