
Don’t wait! Your help is needed on a new campaign!

The battle to achieve a balanced energy policy for the U.S. recently got a lot more complicated. Thus far, much of the debate over...

Don’t Forget Alaska’s natural gas

We’ve all seen the signs: This bus runs on clean natural gas. Yet too often, too many of us fail to absorb the message:...

A sweet deal for foreign oil importers

Anyone who has worked in the oil industry for a while understands that there’s another meaning to “light sweet,” besides the low-fat dessert the...

How many steel workers does it take to build a windmill?

No, this isn’t a knock knock joke. It’s an important question that probably isn’t asked often enough, because it illustrates how investing in green...

Silent majorities and dressing for success

You might have seen some news coverage lately about protesters dressed in cute salmon costumes and even cuter polar bear costumes, who delivered with...

Saving energy in mid-air

The term “as the crow flies” is often used to explain why the actual distance between two spots is shorter than the driving distance....

A “well-presented and logical” attack on popular environmentalism

It’s very hard to take on so-called environmentalists in a serious public debate, but in a guest post published on the Houston Chronicle’s Texas...

Back to school … wear comfortable shoes

CEA has in the past highlighted the problem volatile fuel prices pose to people on fixed incomes, but what about those on declining incomes? What...

Lining up to talk to the Manufacturing Czar

With American unemployment now at a 26-year high and much of the job loss a result of well-paying manufacturing jobs being “shipped overseas” as...

Modern Gushers

Last week we wrote about Peak Oil propaganda and how predictions of the death of the oil industry were grossly exaggerated. Later that week,...