
Offshore drilling: Progress continues

A federal appeals court has given the go-ahead to ongoing exploration in Alaska's Beaufort Sea, throwing out a frivolous lawsuit that had threatened to...

Wasn’t the world supposed to have run out of oil by now?

Anyone who has been filling up at the pump for a while understands that oil prices often appear to defy logic. They may rise...

Talk about thinking outside the box, check out Chevron’s latest project

Traditional power meets alternative energy and Big Oil meets Silicon Valley in Chevron Corp.'s new project to use solar power to produce oil at...

Extreme pain at the pump in Mississippi, Montana

A new study looking at driving patterns, fuel prices and income levels around the country, measures how much people in different states are spending...

Alaska by numbers

Advocates of increased domestic drilling have enough important battles brewing in the country’s lower 48 states to keep them busy. But it is important...

And now, a common sense tip on saving energy

The challenge of helping the world consume fuel more efficiently is a highly complex business that owes a lot to cutting edge science and...

Green shoots emerge, but U.S. industry still needs a lot of support

Historically, one of the biggest impediments to true energy independence has been our country's collective failure - and that means policy makers, business people...

Good news for the Gulf

A federal appeals court ruled on July 29 that new oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico can go forward as planned;...

Good for the economy, good for the environment (and not a bad deal for...

The federal government kicked off its cash for clunkers program in July, offering some serious money to get old gas guzzlers off the road....