In The Media


Groups File Competing Proposals in NH Net Metering Debate

As the leading national advocate for families and small businesses impacted by energy costs, Consumer Energy Alliance has been fighting for fair accessible and...
Fort Lauderdale Beach at sunrise from drone point of view

Energy Mistake Gambles With Florida’s Economy

CEA's Kevin Doyle examines how Floridians are paying the price for bad energy policies, and we can do to lower prices. Oil is the chief...

David Holt: Where Is The ‘Energy’ In Kerry-Boxer?

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question...
Putting gas in car

No Major Damage to Oil Refineries in Jefferson County amid Hurricane Laura

CEA's David Holt joined Newsradio AM 740 to talk about Hurricane Laura's impact on refinery operations and what that might mean for energy consumers. Listen...
Family riding bikes in the woods

There’s Low-cost Energy to Be Had, but Not for New England

As New England prepares for another uncertain winter, CEA's Marc Brown explores the policies that are causing the region's electricity bills to surge ahead...
Household Electric Bill

New Jersey’s Energy Safety Net is in Trouble

CEA Mike Butler explains how bad energy policy has led to unaffordable energy prices for many New Jersey families, leading to another safety net...
South Carolina Myrtle Beach

PURPA is Outdated Regulation, and We Need an Upgrade

The Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act (PURPA) is costing consumers billions, and desperately needs an upgrade. CEA Southeast Director, Kevin Doyle shares how it's...
Woman charging cell phone

We Need Entire Energy Mix

CEA's Tim Page talks about the importance reliable supplies of natural gas are to North Carolina, and the irony of protesters benefiting daily from...
Linemen Working on Transformer

Running Our Electric Grid Is Becoming More Like a Magic Show

Grid operators could double as magicians these days. The fact of the matter is that we are increasing our energy portfolios, relying on both...
Sitting on the beach during sunset

Offshore Drilling Ban Bad Idea

CEA Florida's Executive Director, Kevin Doyle, discusses how Floridians are negatively impacted by proposals that will unnecessarily cause energy prices to increase. Advocating for an...