CEA’s Andrew Browning looks at the importance of an all-of-the-above energy policy and how western natural gas can help bring more renewable resources online. This combination of clean-burning natural gas.
CEA’s Mike Butler addresses why Gov. Wolf’s proposed severance tax on natural gas extraction would be a job killer in Pennsylvania. Instead of enacting more job-killing taxes that could entice.
CEA’s Victoria Gonzalez discusses why a new energy bill mandating utilities get 80 percent of their electricity from renewables by 2040 is not good for New Mexico. About 80 percent.
A record-setting 35.7 million visitors came to Florida between January and March this year. At the heart of this increase in tourism is lower gas prices, courtesy of expanded energy.
Mike Butler of CEA advocates for building necessary infrastructure in New York for natural gas. The biggest reason is prices for consumers. New Yorkers spend over 25 hundred dollars a.
CEA’s Mid-Atlantic Director talks detrimental impact of extremist anti-energy group activities on communities with proposed and much-needed energy projects. A recent story about extremists who unsuccessfully tried to halt a.
Brydon Ross, CEA Vice-President of State Affairs, discusses why Rhode Islanders face residential electricity rates 69% higher than the national average. These prices are the result of conscious decisions by.
CEA’s Florida Director discusses current gas prices impact on Memorial Day travel plans. When energy costs are lower across the board it helps everyoneAt the airport you are going to.
While summer is still another month away, nearly 43 million Americans are expected to jump start their travel season this Memorial Day weekend. Hear from CEA’s Chris Ventura how families.
CEA’s Brydon Ross offers insight to why the denial of the permit for the Williams Pipeline is bad for consumers in New York and across the Northeast region. Listen here:.