In The Media

Worker in Winter

Keep Alaska, Gulf of Mexico Sales in Next 5-year OCS Plan, Groups Say

CEA President David Holt was quoted in Alaska Business Monthly in support of offshore energy exploration. Oil and gas lease sales in the Beaufort and...

David Holt: Let’s Start with a Realistic Discussion

The following op-ed from David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance, appeared on the National Journal website here, in response to the discussion question...
Woman raising hand to speak

Duluth’s DECC Hosts Public Hearing for Enbridge Line 3 Project Proposal

A public hearing was held for the proposed Enbridge Line 3 Replacement Project at the Duluth Entertainment Convention Center on Wednesday afternoon. The Minnesota...

Consumer Energy Alliance Highlights Link Between Pipeline Development and Lower Energy Prices

CEA's David Holt was interviewed on the need ensure consumer's have access to affordable, reliable supplies of diverse energy from natural gas to solar. Greater...
Offshore oil rig in Gulf of Mexico

We Have Enough Oil and Natural Gas to Last Over 120 Years

Briefing legislators in Alabama, CEA President David Holt discusses how the state's economy has benefited greatly thanks to oil and natural gas development and...
Family riding bikes in the woods

In Defense of Locally Produced Energy

CEA's Chris Ventura compares those who opposed advancements in technology and machinery that lead to the Industrial Revolution back in the 1800s to those...
New Orleans Louisiana City Corner

Louisiana Executive Orders Supporting Energy Production Put Families, Small Businesses First

Permitting directive sets national example of right approach to energy HOUSTON  - Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses,...
Harpers Ferry West Virginia

West Virginia Must Reconfigure Its Role in Providing America’s Energy for the Future

The rhetoric of anti-energy activists ignores the very real benefits that natural gas production brings to the families and small businesses of West Virginia. "Natural...
South Carolina Myrtle Beach

Planned Offshore Leasing Review Draws Party-line Questions at Hearing

CEA's Michael Whatley recently testified on the importance offshore energy exploration has on reducing costs for energy consumers and job creation and when families...
Charlotte North Carolina

We Need Pipelines

CEA's Tim Page examines how pipelines in North Carolina help attract new employers, bring in new jobs, and help fund critical public services. What’s more,...