Families in Kentucky are seeing the positive benefits of increased domestic oil and gas production, just in time for the family vacation, as Brydon Ross discusses with the Bowling Green.
CEA’s latest poll of New England voters and access to affordable energy was covered by Daily Energy Insider. “Voters made it loud and clear that if you are a candidate.
CEA’s David Holt discusses the results of the most recent CEA poll in New England. “Northeastern governors, legislators and regulators should pay close attention to these results,” CEA President David.
CEA’s James Voyles discusses how the Maine legislator needs to make solar affordable for all energy consumers and to ensure solar policies prevent cost shifting on low-income and fixed-income families..
CEA’s recent poll on renewable energy in Maine was covered by WVII. A recent poll shows that Mainer’s support expanding solar power to cut energy costs. The poll that was.
CEA’s David Holt joined Jacki Daily to discuss the Pipelines for America campaign and the positive impact pipeline infrastructure has on lowering utility bills for families. Read more – The.
CEA President David Holt discussed how consumers across the country can see energy bills decrease as a result of pipelines. Families and businesses in Massachusetts, Connecticut and California, meanwhile, pay.
Consumer Energy Alliance’s latest poll on energy issues was featured on Daily Energy Insider. “As we’ve seen in years past, the success of those running for Governor or for seats.
CEA recently conducted a poll on energy and infrastructure development which received wide media coverage. Majorities of voters in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina support approval and construction of.
CEA’s Brett Vassey, President and CEO of the Virginia Manufacturers Association discussed the importance of pipelines in light of CEA’s most recent poll. Brett Vassey, president and CEO of the.