
The OPEC Oil Embargo- 40 Years and 100,000 Miles Away

The OPEC oil embargo, which caused long lines for gasoline and brought the issue of U.S. dependence on foreign oil into American living rooms,...
Offshore wind-farm with transfer vessel

Consumer Energy and Environmental Advocate Applauds Bureau of Ocean Energy Management for Resumption of...

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following today’s announcement by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) on the resumption of the Vineyard Wind offshore wind project’s...
Riding Bus in Rain

White House Does Victory Lap on Gas Prices While Other Energy Prices Skyrocket

While some politicians are focusing on small decreases in the price of gasoline, despite remaining at historic highs, CEA's latest analysis on winter heating...
Multiple electric transmission lines

ERCOT Preparing for Record Power Demand, Report Released

As summer approaches, regional transmission operators are warning that record power demand, coupled with fewer electric generating resources, will stress our electric grid like...

A pattern of delays

Is the Interior Department really giving a fair and balanced review of the properties up for consideration for oil and gas leasing? Or, as...

Study says Texas pipeline proves Keystone’s benefits

The Houston Chronicle reports on the findings from an in-depth CEA analysis that details how the Gulf Coast Pipeline has boosted economic activity by...
U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court Approves Atlantic Coast Pipeline Passage Under Appalachian Trail

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Decision to Halt Anti-Energy, Anti-Business “Green Wall” Washington, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible...
St. Louis's Gateway Arch National Park

CEA Supports Electricity Rate Fairness and Equality

All across the United States, CEA defines its number one priority as facilitating energy policy that results in reliable and affordable energy for consumers.  While...
Mid-Atlantic Rural Farm

Mariner East Project Coming at Good Time

CEA's Mike Butler discussed the consumer impact of the Mariner East pipeline. It’s fair to say that in today’s intense political climate, taking a stand...

CEAs Top Five Energy Stories in the News – July 31

In this week's mainstream news, everyone’s been talking about the blank and white #ChallengeAccepted trend on Instagram, the woman killed in Maine’s first great...