19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



The Tennessean: U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn slams EPA over new emissions limits She says new rules hamper businesses Before a gathering of business leaders and energy company executives at Bridgestone.

Historic City News: Area representative participates in Florida Energy Summit October 14, 2013 | By St Augustine Executive director, Kevin Doyle, announced to Historic City News in St Augustine that.

Natural gas is changing the face of the American energy economy and employers are looking for a new generation of skilled employees to keep pace. Speakers at Consumer Energy Alliance’s.

State Number of Consumers Average Monthly Consumption (kWh) Price (Cents per Kilowatthour) Monthly Bill (Dollar and cents) 1. Hawaii 417,531 585 34.68 $202.72 2. Alabama 2,142,625 1,284 11.09 $142.41.


Energy Consumer Advocate Promoting Net Metering Reform in Arizona Net-roots Campaign Underway Highlighting Cost-Shifting Caused by Current Rules Houston, TX – Energy consumer advocate Consumer Energy Alliance is launching a.

Andy Black opened his remarks with a simple explanation of why he traveled to York, NE: “We want to answer your questions.” The forum sponsored by Nebraskans for Jobs &.

Andy Black opened his remarks with a simple explanation of why he traveled to York, NE: “We want to answer your questions.” The forum sponsored by Nebraskans for Jobs &.

There it was again, that word. You know what word I mean. The “F” word. Foreign. In TV ads criticizing the Keystone XL pipeline San Francisco based activist Tom Steyer.

Public support for building the Keystone XL pipeline is consistent. The Pew Research Center released the most recent polling on Sept. 26th. Pew Research: Most Americans (65%) continue to favor.

Electricity Rates Should Be Fair and Affordable For All: Why Arizona Consumers Should Support Net Metering Updates Background: Solar energy is a core component of Arizona’s energy future. Arizona already.