CEA joins Environment Minister of Alberta, Consumer Groups and Policy Experts for Boston Forum on Low-Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) BOSTON, Mass. – June 14, 2010 The environment minister from the.
Remember those TV ads that NBC likes to run (Green is Universal) with helpful tips reminding us that we’re using energy just by keeping our computers and cell phones plugged.
CEA president applauds decision by 8 members of Interior’s review panel “to step up and speak out” against moratorium HOUSTON – June 10, 2010 Eight members of the Interior Department’s.
HOUSTON — June 9, 2010 Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the following statement regarding yesterday’s announcement by the U.S. Department of the Interior regarding the creation of.
Although lawmakers and business people in Louisiana are urging the Obama administration to reconsider the six-month moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, there are new concerns that the.
CEA President: Supply Star Act of 2010 Represents the Power of Working Together to Achieve a Responsible & Balanced Energy Future for America HOUSTON — June 2, 2010 Consumer Energy.
Although the full ramifications of the Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico will not be apparent for years, we can clearly tell that the explosion and resultant oil.
Did you know that a leaky faucet in your home can cause your water bill to increase significantly? Even a slow drip can cost you a hefty chunk of change!.
HOUSTON — June 2, 2010 Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome a new affiliate member, Ports-to-Plains Alliance, a non-profit, non-partisan, community-driven energy, agriculture and economic development advocacy group.
In the wake of the moratorium on offshore drilling projects that President Obama announced late last month, The New Orleans Times-Picayune has attempted to measure the cost of so much.