Last week we offered a general overview of the Obama administration’s new Ocean Policy Task Force and expressed our concerns that this well-intentioned effort to help the world’s oceans thrive.
Energy Explained , a new web portal launched today by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), celebrates Energy Awareness Month with the most comprehensive energy education resource available from the.
The battle to achieve a balanced energy policy for the U.S. recently got a lot more complicated. Thus far, much of the debate over where we can drill for oil.
Tommy Foltz, Executive Director of CEA-South, was a speaker at Arkansas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Annual Meeting on Sept. 30, 2009. Below is coverage of the event from AIPRO..
We’ve all seen the signs: This bus runs on clean natural gas. Yet too often, too many of us fail to absorb the message: There are fossil fuels in abundant.
Anyone who has worked in the oil industry for a while understands that there’s another meaning to “light sweet,” besides the low-fat dessert the words might first bring to mind..
WASHINGTON – October 1, 2009 One year ago today, a 27-year old federal ban on offshore energy exploration and production in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was formally retired following.
“According to a report released on Sept. 16 by the Southeast Energy Alliance, offshore oil exploration and production could generate up to $250 million in annual revenue for South Carolina..
No, this isn’t a knock knock joke. It’s an important question that probably isn’t asked often enough, because it illustrates how investing in green energy is often good for some.
CEA Newsletter Issue 31 Message from CEA President David Holt September 21st marked the close of a nationwide public comment period by the Federal Government that allowed Americans to have.