EPA Proposal Risks Even Higher Costs

Texas drilling rig

CEA’s David Holt talks about the unintended consequences of the EPA’s proposed methane regulations and the necessity of working with private industry to ensure the success of sustainable energy policies.

Anything that needlessly restricts energy supply risks higher prices and pressures an economy clouded by recession fears should be something no one wants. The last thing America needs is a self-inflicted energy and electricity price hike, especially when we can achieve the goal with the kind of collaboration that has served us so well, time after time.

Read more – Newsmax

Consumer Energy Alliance Applauds First-Ever Gulf of Mexico Offshore Wind Lease Sale

Large white windmills in the sea with a sailboat
  • Encourages Administration to Finalize Five-Year Plan for Offshore Oil & Gas Leasing

WASHINGTON, D.C.Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, issued the following statement today after the Biden Administration carried out the Gulf of Mexico’s first-ever offshore wind auction and lease sale.

“We are gratified to see the Administration embrace energy diversity with today’s first-ever offshore wind auction in the Gulf of Mexico, which is already a low-carbon engine of America’s energy economy,” Consumer Energy Alliance Vice President Kaitlin Hammons said. “Today’s lease sale is a critical step toward further cementing the Gulf’s status as one of the world’s lowest-carbon energy basins, and achieving our shared environmental goals. We encourage the Administration to move with the same urgency toward finalizing the federally mandated five-year oil and gas leasing plan in the Gulf, which is years overdue and hampering the ability to make ordinary business planning decisions on a national and energy security asset. Underutilizing the Gulf of Mexico’s oil and gas resources is a threat to our environment, national security and consumers who need access to affordable and reliable energy. We encourage the Biden Administration to embrace both renewable and traditional offshore leasing to meet our energy needs, improve the environment and supply affordable energy for families and businesses.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Electric Grid in Massachusetts Is Not Ready for the Future

Electric transmission lines

CEA Northeast Executive Director Marc Brown discusses the importance of siting reforms to ensure Massachusetts remains economically competitive and the lights stay on for families and businesses across the state.

Winter storms, like the March Nor’easter that knocked power out in 80,000 homes across central and western Massachusetts, keep challenging the electricity grid’s reliability. It should come as no surprise that a recent report by federal energy regulators warned the entire country’s electric systems are headed toward a “very catastrophic situation in terms of reliability” — and that Massachusetts is in a region deemed to be at an elevated risk. “Reliability,” in government-speak, means we’re about to have a lot more power outages, leaving us in the dark without electricity for unknown lengths of time.

Read more – Mass Live

To Secure the Texas Energy Future, We Must Learn from Louisiana

Two engineers in front of large refinery

CEA’s Kaitlin Hammons talks about the need to learn from Louisiana to ensure Texas is ready for the opportunity provided by carbon capture and storage.

Ensuring state oversight is essential to expanding carbon capture across Texas, a critical evolution that will grow our economy, future-proof it and leverage our skilled energy workforce and expertise. Like Louisiana, the geology of much of our state is ideally suited for carbon storage, and our existing energy infrastructure is a head start few states have. As a state that has constantly diversified and reinvented its economic engines of growth, this is a no-brainer.

Read more – Beaumont Enterprise

Watch Your Wallet This Labor Day: Gas Prices Expected to Rise

Carpooling and Ride Sharing

As gas prices continue to rise as we approach Labor Day, CEA President David Holt talks about how our energy policies are contributing to these historically high prices at the pump.

“A lot of our energy policy is fundamentally flawed,” Holt said. “We need to make sure we find really good ways to be environmentally responsible and continue to use oil and natural gas in a thoughtful way. A lot of regulations are artificially inflating the price of oil and gas, which inflates gas and diesel. That hits us in pocket book.”

Read more – KPNX NBC 12

New EPA Rules Will Cost Families, Businesses and Environment

CEA’s Kaitlin Hammons discussed the consequences of a new Environmental Protection Agency rule regarding methane regulations, and how that would negatively impact families.

Proposed rules to cut methane emissions from natural gas and oil production are well-intentioned. We all agree on the need for a better environment and to lower methane intensity. But how we get there is important.


If unchanged, the rules would eliminate effective technological solutions, create unrealistic and expensive timelines, and improperly delegate the EPA’s enforcement power to private third parties. Those would include many activists and organizations. Such a move is well beyond the scope of regulation and enforcement that the United States has countenanced before.

Read more – San Antonio Express-News

Consumer Energy Group Cheers Final Step That Sees the Start of Construction for Critical Infrastructure

U.S. Supreme Court

HOUSTON, TX – Following the Supreme Court’s approval for construction to begin on the long-awaited Mountain Valley Pipeline, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the following statement:

“We are pleased the U.S. Supreme Court has authorized the construction of the Mountain Valley Pipeline to proceed, enabling its completion to deliver the affordable, reliable energy families and businesses deserve to meet their needs in the most environmentally responsible way possible. Just like it should not require an Act of Congress to build critical energy infrastructure in our country, it should not require the Supreme Court to provide relief from an activist circuit court willing to follow the Lorax instead of following the law.”

“After this decision, it is our hope that the 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals re-evaluates the flawed logic and legal contortions that have encouraged anti-energy groups to embark on in their crusade to deny building the critical energy infrastructure necessary to deliver the energy our families and businesses need.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities nationwide to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Improve Methane Rules

Santa Fe New Mexico Street with Pedestrians

With more energy regulations coming down from Washington, D.C., CEA Southwest Executive Director Matthew Gonzales examines the impact this will have on New Mexico’s policy goals and consumers across the state.

As is, the rules would eliminate effective technological solutions, create unrealistic and expensive timelines and improperly delegate EPA enforcement power to private third parties. That will leave our energy security exposed to activists and organizations who say no to everything — including some of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s efforts to meet the net-zero targets she enacted, which are among the nation’s most ambitious.

Read more –  Santa Fe New Mexican

Improve Methane Rules

Santa Fe hillside houses

CEA Southwest Executive Director Matthew Gonzales looks at how recent regulatory efforts will harm New Mexico families and businesses, without improving our shared environment.

A new Environmental Protection Agency proposal will do the opposite of what it is intended to do — unless it is changed to eliminate two very big risks. Left as is, the plan will thwart efforts to improve the environment and inflict an electricity, food, fuel and fertilizer price hike on us at a time when New Mexico’s families and businesses are fighting stubborn inflation and high interest rates. Proposed rules to cut methane emissions from natural gas and oil production are well-intentioned.

Read more – Santa Fe New Mexican

Offshore Energy Security Act Will Help Keep America’s Gas Prices Low

Offshore oil rig at sunset
  • Bill introduced by Senators Cassidy, Cruz will give certainty to Gulf of Mexico
  • Requires two Gulf offshore oil and natural gas lease sales each in 2024, 2025 

WASHINGTON  – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, applauds the introduction of the Offshore Energy Security Act of 2023 by Senators Cassidy and Cruz today.

“This bill will help families and small businesses by removing the uncertainty in the Gulf of Mexico federal leasing program caused by years of intentional delays. It will send a strong market signal for companies to keep investing in what is one of the least carbon-intensive production areas in the world,” CEA Vice President Kaitlin Hammons said.

“The Biden Administration has spent its entire term tying up the lease sale process in a knot of legal and bureaucratic delays, while looking for oil and gas from other nations and limiting options for American workers in the Gulf. Congress is right to step in on behalf of American workers, families and small businesses to ensure we can keep energy prices down and energy security strong.”

The Gulf of Mexico is one of the least carbon-intensive producing regions in the world, and for decades has been one of America’s bulwarks against foreign-led market manipulation.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855