Tell Bay State Leaders to bring down our electricity bills!

Castle Hill light house in Rhode Island New England

[bq]”Massachusetts’ secure energy future is in peril.”[/bq]

Electricity prices in Massachusetts are straining the budgets of consumers, low- and fixed-income families and businesses. Federal statistics show that New England consumers have the highest electric rates of anywhere in the continental U.S., and in April, the Boston area paid 53 percent more for electricity than the national average.

Without upgrading pipeline capacity, experts predict that New England will lose the capability to power more than 9 million homes in the next few years – enough to power Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Rhode Island.

So why are Massachusetts legislators supporting legislation to block financing for these critical infrastructure upgrades – which will create more natural gas supply constraints – instead of trying to encourage upgrading existing infrastructure and lower energy prices?

Tell the our state leaders to oppose legislation that will prevent less expensive clean-burning natural gas from getting here.


As a Massachusetts energy consumer I’m writing to urge you to oppose the inclusion Senate Amendment #1 in the pending Energy Diversity bill (S. 2372).
Electricity prices in Massachusetts are already straining the budgets of the poor, seniors, and working families on fixed incomes. Federal statistics showed that New England consumers have the highest electric rates of anywhere in the continental U.S., and in April 2016 the Department of Labor reported the Boston area paid 53 percent more for electricity than the national average.  Increases in our energy bills are a regressive tax that many of the most vulnerable in our society cannot afford to pay. Every extra dollar spent on an unnecessarily high electric or home heating bill is one less dollar spent on food, medicine, and rent for far too many in our communities who deal with the realities of these hard choices every day.
New England’s grid experts have estimated the region will lose enough electrical capacity to power more than 9 million homes in the next few years – that’s enough to power Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Rhode Island. Without adding additional natural gas pipeline capacity into our markets, we could see even higher rate increases and reduced reliability. Massachusetts saw this first-hand from the last Polar Vortex when our energy prices skyrocketed because we simply couldn’t meet demands for home heating and electricity needs.
Please don’t listen to extremists and special interests who don’t have a realistic plan for keeping my power bills from continuing to go up year after year. I urge you to oppose Senate Amendment #1 and support an all-of-the-above energy policy that includes more pipelines, more clean natural gas, and more consumer options rather than higher energy bills.

It’s Time to Fight Back Against Anti-Development Threat

Monthly natural gas heating bill

CEA’s Jack Belcher discusses the savings families have seen as a result of American energy development.

We’re well aware of the many successes that America’s energy revolution has produced. We’re now the world’s largest oil and natural gas producer. Not only are we importing less oil, but we’re exporting it now, too. In fact, the energy renaissance has—more than any other sector—sustained the U.S. economy over the past 10 years. This was especially the case during the Great Recession. Even in the darkest of economic days, sensible energy policies helped move the country forward, recharge its economy, improve our energy and national security, and provide more to the disadvantaged.

Read more – E&P Magazine

Petition Asks Gov. Cuomo to Approve Upstate Pipeline Project

Family electric bill

Consumer Energy Alliance, New York State Laborers’, and the Business Council of New York submitted a petition to encourage New York Gov. Cuomo to protect families from increasing energy costs by approving infrastructure projects.

We hate to say this, but we’ve seen this movie before. Last October the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Dominion’s $165 million New Market Project–a project that expands Dominion’s transmission pipeline from western New York across the state to the Capital Region of the state, near Albany. As with any fossil fuel-related project, radical environmentalists objected.

Read more – Marcellus Drilling News

Natural Gas Pipeline Proposed for Eastern ND, Western MN

Two steel construction workers welding metal

Natural gas, delivered by modernized and new pipelines, is expected to fuel industrial and commercial growth across North Dakota and Minnesota.

A Bismarck-based energy company says it wants to build a roughly 38-mile pipeline to deliver natural gas supply to eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota.

Read more – Star Tribune

Amendment 1 Would Boost Solar Energy and Benefit All

Large solar panel installation on rooftop

CEA Florida’s Kevin Doyle discusses Amendment 1 and how energy consumers benefit from access to solar energy.

When Walt Disney World hit the switch on a new 5-megawatt, 22-acre, Mickey Mouse-shaped solar energy farm, it not only powered its various hotels and theme parks. The generation hurtled Florida into its future, push-starting the Sunshine’s State advance in solar energy technology. Renewable, clean, reliable and getting increasingly more affordable, solar energy is dramatic and can change the globe, starting with the way Florida harvests and consumes electricity. So it’s imperative that we have the right set of balanced policies to ensure that its deployment is done thoughtfully and in a way that uniformly benefits all energy consumers, solar and non-solar — and foremost is policies like Amendment 1.

Read more – Orlando Sentinel

NH Policy Must Be Pro-solar, Pro-grid, Pro-consumer

CEA’s Michael Whatley discusses how New Hampshire can best implement policies that can promote the growth of solar energy while being cost-effective for consumers and protecting the grid.

Solar energy has the power to spark a dramatic change in the way energy is harvested and consumed. It is renewable, clean, reliable, and is increasingly affordable. Each of these benefits are allowing solar power to take on a larger part of America’s electricity mix, which is certainly good for New Hampshire. Since rooftop solar has become commercially available, New Hampshire residents, lawmakers and regulators have sought to unleash the power of the sun by installing solar systems and creating policies that encourage the proliferation of solar technology.

Read more – New Hampshire Union Leader

Economy Still Suffering Because of Down Oil and Gas Industry

Oil field workers in front of oil derrick

CEA’s David Holt appeared on Houston’s Morning News to talk about energy and the economy.

Houston’s Morning News with Matt Patrick and welcomes David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance, to discuss the U.S. economy and how without the oil and gas industry, it’s not looking so good. With oil hovering a $50/barrel, companies have to reorganize to get back to normal.

Read more – KTRH News Radio 740

As Other States Move on New Power-plant Rules, Florida Mulls Its Options

Multiple electric transmission lines

Kevin Doyle, Executive Director of CEA Florida, was interviewed by Politico regarding implementing the Clean Power Plan in Florida.

As debate rages on whether states should be working toward plans to meet a new federal power-plant rule, nearly four months after the Supreme Court delayed its implementation, Florida officials say that they are still assessing the court’s move, and that they have time on their side. Consumer Energy Alliance, which is aligned with the energy industry on many major issues and opposes the Clean Power Plan, says it would be bad policy for Florida to work toward implementing the federal rule.

Read more – Politico

Last Piece of Marcellus-Focused Ohio-Louisiana Access Approved For Service

green cast iron cooking pot on a gas stove

New and modernized pipeline infrastructure is allowing natural gas produced in the Marcellus to supply manufacturers and households across both Midwest and southern states.

The Ohio-Louisiana Access Project of Boardwalk Pipeline Partners’ Texas Gas Transmission LLC was approved to enter full service last week as FERC allowed operations to begin at the greenfield Bosco Compressor Station in Ouachita Parish, LA.

Read more – Natural Gas Intelligence

Florida’s Solar Amendment Is for Real

Large solar installation

CEA’s Kevin Doyle discusses how all Florida energy consumers may benefit from Amendment 1.

Come November, Florida residents will see a new initiative on their ballots, called “Rights of Electricity Consumers Regarding Solar Energy Choice.” It’s commonly referred to as Amendment 1. We the Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) favor balanced and rational policies that encourage the deployment of solar technology in a way that benefits all consumers. So, too, it appears, does the state’s highest court.

Read more – Miami Herald