BOEM Receives More than 28,000 Comments in Support of Offshore Energy Exploration

Seismic research vessel

Consumer Energy Alliance submitted 3,650 distinct letters to 8 separate dockets, for a total of more than 28,000 consumer comments to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management urging for the speedy approval of permit applications to conduct geophysical surveys in the Mid- and South Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). These surveys will help determine the location and extent of oil and gas resources in the areas being considered for permit requests, which, based on federal government estimates that are likely to increase following new testing, could hold up to 3 billion barrels of oil and 25.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

“America’s domestic energy revolution has spurred economic growth and investment throughout the country,” said David Holt, President of Consumer Energy Alliance. “It is critical that we continue to build upon our newfound energy prosperity and strengthen our economic and national security over the long-term by developing offshore oil and natural gas supplies. The safe, responsible completion of these geophysical surveys will contribute to well-informed decision-making as we move forward with development in the Atlantic OCS.

“The supportive comments we submitted make it clear that American consumers recognize the economic and environmental potential of responsible offshore energy development,” continued Holt. “Consumer Energy Alliance will continue to ask for the support of these individuals as the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management moves forward with the swift approval of deep penetration seismic surveys in the Mid and South-Atlantic OCS.”

A 2013 report by Quest Offshore Inc. concluded that developing offshore oil and natural gas supplies Atlantic-wide would create upwards of 280,000 jobs, contribute $24 billion annually to the U.S. economy, generate $51 billion in tax revenue, and provide an additional domestic oil supply of 1.3 million barrels of oil per day.


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together consumers, producers and manufacturers to engage in a meaningful dialogue about America’s energy future. With more than 400,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices for consumers and energy security. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all consumers to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop and diversify our energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. CEA promotes a thoughtful dialogue to help produce our abundant energy supply, and balance our energy needs with our nation’s environmental and conservation goals.


Shawn Martini, 713-337-8820

Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Energy Voices

Consumer Energy Alliance-Florida Statement on Florida House Passage of Hydraulic Fracturing Legislation

Hallandale Beach Florida

The Florida House of Representatives today passed House Bill 1205, sensible hydraulic fracturing legislation, sponsored by Rep. Ray Rodrigues (R – Lee County) and Rep. Cary Pigman (R-Avon Park). Upon passage of the legislation, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) – Florida Executive Director Kevin Doyle issued the following statement:

“Consumer Energy Alliance applauds Representatives Ray Rodrigues and Cary Pigman for sponsoring legislation that would lay the foundation for a transparent process for hydraulic fracturing in the State of Florida and applauds the Florida House of Representatives for its passage today. As we continue to shift our energy reliance toward natural gas, Florida’s business community and consumers can be negatively impacted if we do not have the right policies in place to protect the benefits that our current energy situation is providing to our country.”

“Supporting the safe, responsible development will create a welcoming environment for the Florida economy and consumers.  After all, energy is a key ingredient in everything we do as a state, and we need to promote policies that support expanded responsible development of American resources and in particular those that are here in Florida. Today’s votes are a good step in that direction and we look forward to monitoring this legislation as it advances through this year’s legislative process.”

This Earth Day, Consumers Can Breathe a Little Easier as Global Carbon Emissions Stabilize

Close up on desktop globe

Today marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day – and thanks to a recent federal analysis, we have some very exciting and environmentally friendly news to share.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the amount of greenhouse gas emissions did not go up in 2014. As a matter of fact, experts say greenhouse gas emissions flatlined last year, even as the global economy grew by three percent, thanks largely to the nation’s record-setting energy renaissance that began over a decade ago and continues growing today.

Carbon dioxide emission levels, meanwhile, remained at 32.3 billion metric tons, the same as the previous year.

“This gives me even more hope that humankind will be able to work together to combat climate change, the most important threat facing us today,” said IEA Chief Economist Fatih Birol, recently named Maria van der Hoeven’s successor as the next IEA Executive Director.

These findings show the trend has been bucked — that carbon emissions traditionally rise as the economy and its adjacent energy sector grow, as both did last year.

In fact, it’s the first time in four decades in which there was a halt or reduction in greenhouse gas emissions without a concurrent decline in the economy or in global demand for energy, illustrating once more that energy development can be – and clearly is – an ally to the environment, not an adversary. It’s an important concept on Earth Day.

Here’s why these findings are major news: In the 40 years that the IEA has been collecting data on carbon dioxide emissions, greenhouse gas levels increased each time except on three occasions:

  • In the early 1980s, amid the oil price shock
  • In 1992, following the collapse of the Soviet Union
  • In 2009, at the peak of Great Recession and global financial crisis

Now, we have a fourth occasion – triggered not by an infamous world event or unprecedented economic downtown, but by good, old-fashioned energy production that continues to generate millions of jobs, billions of dollars in revenue, fortify U.S. energy independence, and strengthen our geopolitical leadership across the globe.

So, how were we able to keep emissions levels stable while strengthening both our economy and our energy sector? The IEA credits much-needed efforts undertaken by major energy consuming nations like the United States and China, both of which did some or all of the following:

  • Increased energy efficiency
  • Used more renewable energy sources
  • Extracted more natural gas
  • Invested more in energy infrastructure
  • Limited how much coal was burned

“The latest data on emissions are indeed encouraging, but this is no time for complacency – and certainly not the time to use this positive news as an excuse to stall further action,” said IEA Executive Director Maria van der Hoeven.

We agree. Every day should be Earth Day. That’s why Consumer Energy Alliance has always – and will always – continue to advocate for an all-of-the-above energy plan that effectively allows consumers and the environment to take full advantage of safe, responsible energy production. We now have proof that this comprehensive strategy has worked well to date, and there’s no doubt that it’ll continue to work well in generations to come.

Not to be forgotten on the 45 anniversary of Earth Day, 2015 also is the fifth year of CEA’s annual Energy Day, a festival that celebrates STEM education and how all forms of energy contribute to an improved society.


CEA Supports Electricity Rate Fairness and Equality

St. Louis's Gateway Arch National Park

All across the United States, CEA defines its number one priority as facilitating energy policy that results in reliable and affordable energy for consumers.  While CEA’s stance is the same across all 50 states, there are unique circumstances and challenges to address when formulating energy policy in each individual state.  The details are varied and complex and always interesting.

Missouri is no exception.  Defining Missouri in any terms can be a complex and sometimes even touchy exercise.  Manufacturing or agriculture?  Southern or Midwestern?  Cardinals or Royals?  Democrat or Republican?  Coal or nuclear or wind? (Hint:  the answer is all of the above.)  Pose these questions to any Missourian and you will have yourself a discussion and maybe even a debate.

However, when it comes to Missouri, one thing is not debatable.   Missouri is the “Show Me” state, where common sense and pragmatism reign.  Hard work is the norm, as is doing your fair share.  So when any company asks the Public Service Commission for a 25% discount on electricity rates that would increase rates for 1.2 million other rate payers, CEA takes notice and acts on behalf of consumers.

Changes to our electricity bills should be carefully considered, with a full understanding of all the issues involved.  Balancing consumer prices, industrial economic output and job creation is something our elected (and appointed) officials are asked to do every day.  Join Consumer Energy Alliance and our 6,000 plus members in Missouri to help us remind our public officials of this important balancing test.

The Missouri Legislature and the Missouri Public Service Commission have the opportunity to keep electricity affordable for all Missourians now.  But they need to hear from you! When it comes to deciding what the appropriate rates are going to be for Missouri electricity consumers, the impacts on all consumers must be taken into consideration.  Altering electricity rates to provide short-term benefits to any one company at the expense of a majority of consumers just does not make sense.

Southeast Consumers Support Improved Energy Availability, Economic Growth

Setting the Thermostat

Consumer Energy Alliance today submitted more than 20,000 comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission urging for the swift approval of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. This important project will help deliver clean-burning natural gas found in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio to consumers in Virginia and North Carolina helping to create new manufacturing jobs, generate affordable electricity, protect the environment, and help keep energy prices down.

“Domestic natural gas production from the Marcellus Shale has created an engine for much-needed jobs and economic investment throughout the United States,” said Michael Whatley, Executive Vice President of Consumer Energy Alliance. “We must make the most of our newfound energy abundance by supporting key infrastructure projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline that will deliver natural gas to areas of the country where it is greatly needed. The construction of this single project will increase the affordability and accessibility of energy supplies to consumers in the southeast and result in a significant economic boost across a three-state region.

“With the supportive comments we submit today, combined with the thousands other Americans have previously submitted, it is clear that American consumers recognize the economic and environmental potential of responsible domestic energy development,” continued Whatley. “Consumer Energy Alliance will continue to ask for the support of these individuals as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission moves forward with the speedy approval of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.”

CEA gathered 20,970 comments from North Carolina (10,000+), Virginia (7,600+) and West Virginia (3,000+) as well as support from other states (800+).

The five-year construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline will have an estimated economic impact of $2.7 billion that can support a total of 17,240 jobs across West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina. After the project is completed, ongoing operation will produce a total of $69.2 million in economic impact annually.


Federal Decision on Chukchi Lease Sale a Win for Consumers

Arctic shipping and recreational boats

More Federal Actions Needed to Realize Promise of U.S. Arctic Energy Development

According to press reports, today the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) reaffirmed its Chukchi Lease Sale 193, taking a necessary and important step forward in the effort to explore for and develop domestic energy resources in U.S. Arctic waters. The action follows the December 2014 submission of more than 100,000 U.S. consumer comments in support of Alaskan offshore energy and the thousands of jobs and billions in economic growth it would create.

“Today’s action marks an important milestone for consumers across Alaska and the nation at large,” said David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance.  “However, to ensure that consumers in Alaska and across the United States can actually realize the economic and societal benefits associated with our vast Arctic offshore resources, the federal government must move forward in a timely manner to grant the remaining approvals and permits necessary to access these resources. BOEM must also ensure that proposed Arctic oil and gas regulations currently under consideration are developed in a way that doesn’t inhibit the long-term feasibility of offshore energy development in the region.”

Originally held in 2008, the lease sale until now has been upheld by litigation pursued by anti-development groups. Consumer Energy Alliance has submitted more than 340,000 comments in support of offshore energy development in the past eight months.

With an estimated 27 billion barrels of oil and 132 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, offshore energy production in federal waters off Alaska is critical to our nation’s long-term energy supply.  It is estimated that economic activity from the development of the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas would create an annual average of 54,700 jobs nationwide, with government revenue estimated to be nearly $50 billion over the next 50 years.

Texans Join Call for Sensible Energy Regulation

Texas State Capitol building in downtown Austin USA

Consumer Energy Alliance- Texas recently delivered more than 8,800 emails to members of the Texas House Energy Resources Committee and the Texas Senate Natural Resources and Economic Development Committee in support of HB 40 and SB 1165. The bills would work to better balance state and local control over oil and gas activity.

“It’s clear Texans want clarity when it comes to the line between state and local authority over oil and gas drilling,” said Tommy Foltz, Executive Vice President of Consumer Energy Alliance. “Both HB 40 and SB 1165 help strike the proper balance between the two jurisdictions and will provide clarity for everyone as the Texas energy miracle continues into future years providing affordable pump prices for all Americans. Consumer Energy Alliance will continue to ask Texans to help support the measures as they progress through the legislative process.”

Both measures have been passed out of their respective committees and are now continuing to work their way through the legislature. In addition to Texas, other states have been grappling with how local control measures impact state primacy over the regulation of the energy industry. Consumer Energy Alliance advocates for strong state control over energy regulation and strong local authority to help alleviate nuisance issues like dust, light, noise and other local impacts.

Email sent to legislators read as follows:

Anti-energy activists are working in towns across Texas to try and ban energy production and limit the engine that powers the Texas economy. You can help us push back and help Texas reclaim its energy pride.

Texas lawmakers are considering legislation that would strike the proper balance between local and state authority and responsible energy production. HB 40/SB 1165 preserves the authority of cities and towns to regulate local issues, but also retains the Railroad Commission’s proper authority over oil and gas activity — the oldest agency in the state with 100 years of experience overseeing oil and gas operations. It’s a win-win for the State of Texas, energy consumers, and all Texans.

Tell Texas Legislators that you strongly support responsible energy production. Tell them to vote in support of HB 40/SB 1165 and help continue to reinvigorate Texas Energy and Texas Pride!

U.S. Crude Production Reaches Record High in 2014

Record U.S. crude production, spurred on by advances in fracking and horizontal drilling technology, has helped drive down the global price of oil by creating an imbalance in supply. In 2014, U.S. oil companies set a record when they produced “1.2 million more barrels of crude per day from the ground than in 2013, the most dramatic increase in volume since the government began keeping track more than a century ago,” according to FuelFIx. Over the course of 2014, that extra 1.2 million barrels of oil a day is enough to fuel the entire East Coast (Maine to Florida) for nearly three months.

Producers have shifted their focus to more reliable plays in light of declining prices, and FuelFix reports that the EIA “expects oil companies to pump 8.1 percent more crude this year and 1.5 percent more oil in 2016.”

The chart below, produced by FuelFix using data from the Energy Information Administration, shows just how dramatic the increase in production is when compared to past years.

FuelFix Chart Crude Production High

CEA Submits More than 340,000 Comments on Offshore Energy

oil and gas

For the third time in eight months, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) has gathered more than 100,000 letters from Americans across all fifty states to offer their support for expanded offshore energy development. The most recent group of comments comes in support of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) 2017-2022 Draft Proposed Program for Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Natural Gas Leasing.

“As it stands today, more than 340,000 Americans have made it clear that they want Washington to open a path toward responsible offshore energy development,” said David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance. “We now have the opportunity to determine our own destiny when it comes to energy production and energy security. Americans have time and again called on our government to move forward and develop our nation’s energy resources.”

2015 DPP Comment Offshore_Map

In all, 113,934 Americans submitted comments during BOEM’s most recent comment period on the five-year Draft Proposed Program, with more than 33,300 comments coming from affected coastal states. Previously, Consumer Energy Alliance gathered more than 228,000 comments for two separate comment periods (here and here) on offshore energy development, all within the past eight months.

“With the comments we submit today, combined with the hundreds of thousands we have submitted in recent years, and new polling on the subject, it’s clear what Americans want when it comes to offshore energy development in the United States,” continued Holt. “In a word: More. They want more access, more production, more jobs, more economic growth and more energy security.

“Consumers and business fully understand that the either-or choice presented by anti-energy activists is false. They understand the potential risks and rewards associated with offshore energy production. They know we can mitigate risks, and solve challenges, to have BOTH environmental protection and responsible energy production. We hope Washington gets the message and allows the development of our offshore energy resources in the Atlantic, Arctic and Gulf of Mexico.”

The U.S. Outer Continental Shelf has more than 6,200 active oil and gas leases covering approximately 34 million acres. These leases produce 18 percent of domestic oil production and 5 percent of domestic natural gas production. These areas hold an estimated 89.93 billion barrels of oil and 404.60 trillion cubic feet of natural gas that have yet to be tapped.