Michael Krancer, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, to Speak at TOMORROW’s 2012 Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Summit

Consumer Group Adds Pennsylvania’s DEP Secretary and Mayor of Pittsburgh to Impressive Bipartisan Speaker Lineup of Key Political, Business and Labor Leaders

Pittsburgh, PA —Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) announced that Michael Krancer, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will join a growing list of key labor and business leaders as well as local, state and national public officials, to speak at the CEA 2012 Energy and Manufacturing Summit at the Circuit Center in Pittsburgh, PA on September 10, 2012 at 8:30AM ET. Krancer will join John Hanger, former DEP Secretary, the Mayor of Pittsburgh, Luke Ravenstahl, U.S. Representatives Mark Critz (D-PA-12) and Tim Murphy (R-PA-18), and a number of industry experts and public officials to discuss the importance of responsible energy production in the upcoming election, as well as its impacts on Pennsylvania’s and the nation’s future economy, manufacturing and job growth opportunities.

“We are pleased to host both John Hanger and Michael Krancer as part of our stirring lineup of speakers,” said Mike Mikus, Director of CEA Mid-Atlantic. “With Pennsylvania’s status as a key battleground state, and with these issues also impacting both Eastern Ohio along with Northern West Virginia, we look forward to engaging our speakers in a discussion about America’s energy policy and the region’s new emerging energy economy, fueled by the recent surge in shale gas production.”

Andrew Browning, Executive Vice President of CEA added: “Following the tremendous success of the Colorado and Gulf Coast Energy Summits held earlier this year, we are excited about hosting both the former and current Secretaries of the Department of  Environment and Protection at the next event in our energy and election series – the Pennsylvania Energy & Manufacturing Summit. At a time when our nation is looking for solutions to improving the economy, creating jobs and increasing energy independence, this forum will be critical in stimulating thoughtful dialogue from our speakers on the ways we can move our nation forward.”

2012 Pennsylvania Energy & Manufacturing Summit speakers include:

  • John Hanger, former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
  • Michael Krancer, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
  • U.S. Representative Mark Critz (D)
  • U.S. Representative Tim Murphy (R)
  • Mayor of Pittsburgh, Luke Ravenstahl (D)
  • Pennsylvania State Rep. Eli Evankovich (R)
  • Pennsylvania State Sen. Tim Solobay (D)
  • Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald (D)
  • Beaver County Commissioner Joe Spanik (D)
  • Washington  County Commissioner Larry Maggi (D)
  • James Kunz, Business Manager, Union of Operating Engineers 66
  • Speaker TBA, U.S. Steelworkers
  • Gabe Pellathy, U.S. Steel
  • Demetri Zervoudis, Senior Vice President, Head of Global Production and Technology, Bayer MaterialScience, LLC
  • David Holt, President, Consumer Energy Alliance
  • Andrew Browning, Executive Vice President, Consumer Energy Alliance
  • Michael Whatley, Executive Vice President, Consumer Energy Alliance
  • Mike Mikus, Director, Consumer Energy Alliance Mid-Atlantic

The event will take place at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Circuit Center located at 5 Hot Metal Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Registration begins at 8:00AM ET with the Summit ending at 12:15PM ET.

Members of the national, state and local media are strongly encouraged to attend. The Summit is open to the public. Attendance is free, but registration is encouraged.

John Hanger, Former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, to Speak at the 2012 Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Summit

John Hanger, Former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, to Speak at the 2012 Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Summit

Summit Speaking Lineup to Include Key Political, Business and Labor Leaders; Experts to Discuss National Significance of Energy in Upcoming Election

Pittsburgh, PA —Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) announced that John Hanger, former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and former Commissioner of the Pennsylvania Utility Commission will join a line-up of key labor and business leaders and local, state and national public officials, to speak on behalf of the Obama 2012 campaign at the CEA 2012 Energy and Manufacturing Summit at the Circuit Center in Pittsburgh, PA on September 10th, 2012 at 8:30am. Industry experts and public officials will lead a discussion on the importance of responsible energy production in the region and its impacts on Pennsylvania’s and the nation’s future economy, manufacturing and job growth opportunities.

“I am pleased to be participating in CEA’s 2012 Pennsylvania’s Energy & Manufacturing Summit and look forward to contributing to the critical dialogue surrounding shale gas development,” said John Hanger. “This event will serve as an excellent opportunity for labor and business to come together to generate thoughtful discussion about the best way to utilize the region’s vast natural resources to promote American energy independence and diversify our energy resources.”

Also speaking at the event are members of the Pennsylvania Congressional delegation including Congressman Tim Murphy (R-PA-18) and Pennsylvania Congressman Mark Critz (D-PA-12).

“This summit presents an extraordinary opportunity to bring together various diverse interests to discuss how we can promote the nation’s energy resources – and the responsible production of shale reserves like the Marcellus formation – for the security of America and for the health of our economy. If done responsibly, these resources will continue to change the energy outlook in the country, as well as generating tremendous economic benefits to Western Pennsylvania and the nation,” said Congressman Mark Critz.

“With abundant resources in coal and natural gas, energy equals jobs in Southwestern Pennsylvania,” said Congressman Tim Murphy, founder of the Natural Gas Caucus and Chair of the Congressional Steel Caucus. “That’s why I’ve introduced the bipartisan Infrastructure Jobs and Energy Independence Act, a bill to unleash our nation’s energy sector and put families back to work. In addition to creating thousands of Pennsylvania jobs, my legislation would lower energy prices, generate trillions in new federal revenues, and fund critical construction projects so we can repair our state’s aging bridges and roadways. I look forward to joining members of both parties in this forum to discuss ways we can move our nation forward.”

Mike Mikus, Director of CEA Mid-Atlantic added, “We are pleased to co-host the Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Summit with DOW, Bayer Material Science, US Steel, the IBEW Local 5, the Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association (PIOGA) and the United Steelworkers. With our stirring lineup of speakers, we look forward to highlighting the region’s new energy-based economy and discussing the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy, increased energy security and U.S. competitiveness.”

2012 Pennsylvania Energy & Manufacturing Summit speakers include:

  • John Hanger, former Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
  • Leo Gerard, International President, U.S. Steelworkers (invited)
  • U.S. Representative. Mark Critz (D)
  • U.S. Representative Tim Murphy (R)
  • Pennsylvania State Rep. Eli Evankovich (R)
  • Pennsylvania State Sen. Tim Solobay (D)
  • Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald (D)
  • Beaver County Commissioner Joe Spanik (D)
  • Washington  County Commissioner Larry Maggi (D)
  • James Kunz, Business Manager, Union of Operating Engineers 66
  • Speaker TBA, U.S. Steel
  • Speaker TBA, Bayer Material Science
  • David Holt, President, Consumer Energy Alliance
  • Andrew
    Browning, Executive Vice President, Consumer Energy Alliance
  • Michael Whatley, Executive Vice President, Consumer Energy Alliance
  • Mike Mikus, Director of Consumer Energy Alliance Mid-Atlantic


The event will take place at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Circuit Center located at 5 Hot Metal Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Registration begins at 8:30AM ET with the Summit ending at 12:15PM ET.


Members of the national, state and local media are strongly encouraged to attend. The Summit is open to the public. Attendance is free, but registration is encouraged.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Rigzone

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Rigzone

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Rigzone as its newest affiliate member.

Rigzone, the leading online resource for the oil and gas industry, delivers career services and upstream oil and gas content and data, including in-depth information on exploration, drilling and production markets to organizations tackling the energy challenge. With its unmatched online community of highly-skilled and experienced energy professionals, Rigzone is the go-to service for news and recruiting in the industry.

“Energy policy greatly affects our entire community. By joining CEA, Rigzone will incorporate and capitalize on CEA’s knowledge of national energy issues and partner with CEA on magnifying their message for Energy Day,” said Paul Caplan, Rigzone’s President. “Additionally, Rigzone and CEA share a common interest in growing opportunities for energy jobs and in promoting and supporting workforce development. We look forward to working together in these important endeavors.”

“CEA is pleased to work closely with Rigzone to amplify the exciting employment opportunities all across the energy industry. There is a critical need for new employees to fill a wide variety of jobs all across the energy spectrum. CEA looks forward to working with Rigzone to further expand our workforce outreach at our annual Energy Day Festival and build new ways to community to consumers everywhere how important the energy sector is to creating jobs all across the economy,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary goal is to unite energy consumers and producers in an effort to build a balanced energy policy.”

CEA will provide Rigzone’s community with credible energy information and lean first-hand the concerns their audience has about federal and state energy policies. In an unpredictable business climate, information on energy policy that creates certainty for businesses and consumers is more important than ever. CEA is very pleased to welcome Rigzone.

CEA Supports Alternate Keystone XL Route; Urges Approval for U.S. Economy

CEA Supports Alternate Keystone XL Route; Urges Approval for U.S. Economy

HOUSTON, TX: Today TransCanada announced the selection of a revised route for the Keystone XL Pipeline which bypasses the sensitive Sandhills region of Nebraska. The new route will result in the project crossing fewer miles of threatened and endangered species habitat, and fewer streams, rivers, and wetlands while completely avoiding sensitive Wellhead Protection Areas where the state’s groundwater resources are particularly shallow. These changes will further increase the resiliency of the Keystone XL pipeline which the U.S. State Department already declared ‘would have a degree of safety greater than any typically constructed domestic oil pipeline system.’

Following the announcement, Michael Whatley, Executive Vice- President of the Consumer Energy Alliance, offered the following statement:

“With these proposed changes, TransCanada has addressed the concerns that have been raised by the State of Nebraska during a lengthy, and collaborative, public input process that resulted in well over 100,000 comments supporting the project’s completion. With this new route the Keystone XL Pipeline will further avoid sensitive ecosystems, a key concern of those opposing the project’s completion.

“With these concerns addressed it makes sense to move forward with completion of the project as expeditiously as possible. After all, construction of this important pipeline will directly employ over 9,000 Americans, pump $5.3 billion into the United States economy, and provide a discounted source of crude oil that will result in lower gas prices for U.S. consumers. At the same time the project will increase U.S. energy security by increasing oil supplies from a trusted ally.”

CEA supports an “all-of-the-above” energy approach and believes the Keystone XL pipeline is a key part of such a plan as it will provide a cheaper, more stable source of oil that will benefit consumers in every sector of the United States economy.

September 2012 Newsletter

September 2012 CEA Newsletter
Issue 66

Advancing A Sensible Energy Policy

As we continue through a long hot summer, CEA has been working tirelessly to continue to advance the cause of a sensible energy policy. Our newest area of growth is the creation of the CEA regional chapter, CEA-Texas. The chapter will be headed by David Blackmon of Houston, TX. David is the former Chair of CEA, and has a 33 year history in the oil and gas industry, focusing on policy and communications. I am excited to bring him on board to help launch our newest chapter.

CEA- TX will help continue CEA’s broader mission in the Lone Star state. Texas is again becoming a global leader in oil and gas production and has a strong portfolio in the renewable sector. With new plays like the Eagle Ford and Permian, and expanded wind production in the panhandle, there is much work to be done. CEA- TX will help facilitate a broad discussion of energy issues around the state by enlisting consumer voices and public comment in support of our policy goals. More broadly, CEA- TX will seek to rekindle the pride Texans hold for their leadership in the energy industry. The theme of our CEA-TX outreach is Texas Energy. Texas Pride.

CEA- TX also has plans to lead on internal industry matters, such as trucking safety and landowner outreach. The chapter will also work to influence public policy at the state level with the goal of reforming the High Cost Gas program, finding funding for the state’s water plan, and amendments to the Texas RPS to include solar generation.

I look forward to the work CEA-TX will do to help promote the industry in Texas and bring more consumers into the debate.  After all, energy continues to spur job creation and economic growth for all sectors of our economy.  A stronger, more robust energy sector will, no doubt, help all consumers even more.


David Holt

New Energy Afternoon Videos

Your question can be featured in a future installment of “Afternoon Energy.” Just visit us on Facebook and leave a comment on what you’d like to see David answer.


Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

Comprised of over 2,200 business members representing 104,000 employees in the Mobile Area, the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce represents Mobile’s business voice and has joined as a new CEA affiliate member.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Rigzone

Rigzone, “your gateway to the oil and gas industry,” has joined CEA as our newest affiliate member. Not just a news site, Rigzone provides the energy consumer with information regarding careers, company directories, offshore rig data, equipment marketplace and more.


CEA is looking forward Energy  Day 2012 which will take place at Hermann Square, City Hall in downtown Houston, Texas on Saturday, October 20, 2012. The festival will feature  live music, food, contests and most importantly interactive exhibits and demonstrations showcasing all forms of energy from oil and natural gas to solar and hydropower and everything in between, as well as efficiency and conservation.

New Sponsors

UPS and the University of Houston have signed on to be co-sponsors for Energy Day 2012. We are excited about this partnership that is sure to create a great event!

CEA would like to thank all of our partners and sponsors for this event. Please visit the Energy Day website to see all of our sponsors.


Free Scholarship

Already, CEA has awarded 105 students scholarships through the Energy Day Academic Program (EDAP), and there are still nine more awards to be won through the Houston Geological Society and Houston Museum of Natural Science Art, Essay and Media contests.

Deadline: October 1, 2012: The HGS/HMNS/CEA Art, Essay & Media Contests

For more information on Energy Day 2012 or the 2012 EDAP events, please contact Kathleen Koehler at KKoehler@consumerenergyalliance.org.


Help spread the word for Energy Day 2012!

Please join our Energy Day Facebook and Twitter (@EnergyDayFest).

CEA has also partnered with NASA’s Third Rock Radio to help spread the word. Listen to hear great music and a few advertisements for Energy Day!


Upcoming Energy Events

2012 Energy and Manufacturing Summit
September 10, 2012
IBEW Circuit Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This event will provide a unique opportunity for federal, state and local officials to discuss current energy issues and the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy and U.S. competitiveness.

Many thanks to our sponsors IBEW Local 5, United Steelworkers, US Steel, Dow & Bayer MaterialScience for facilitating this informative and influential summit.

Be sure to register for the 2012 Energy and Manufacturing Summit online.


Save the Date

September 27, 2012
Madison, WI
Energy and Manufacturing Summit

More details to follow.

CEA Announces Pennsylvania Energy & Manufacturing Summit

 September Event in Battleground State to Feature Key Political Leaders and Industry Experts Discussing National Significance of Energy in Upcoming Election

PITTSBURGH, PA (August 15, 2012) – Today Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) announced that they will host the 2012 Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Summit on Monday, September 10, 2012 at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Circuit Center in Pittsburgh, PA. Similar to CEA’s Colorado and Gulf Coast Energy Summits, held in February and March 2012, CEA is partnering with DOW, Bayer Material Science, US Steel, the IBEW Local 5, and the United Steelworkers to bring together the presidential campaigns, members of Congress and other elected officials, as well as key labor and business leaders, stakeholders and energy producers.

“Following the tremendous success of theColoradoand Gulf Coast Energy Summit held earlier this year, we are pleased to announce the next event in our energy and election series – the Pennsylvania Energy & Manufacturing Summit,” said David Holt, President of CEA. “As a key swing-state that holds a unique position in the 2012 presidential and down ticket election process, we look forward to hosting the Summit in Pennsylvania and discussing the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy, increased energy security and U.S. competitiveness.”

“CEA is pleased to co-host the Pennsylvania Energy and Manufacturing Summit with DOW, Bayer Material Science, US Steel, the IBEW Local 5, and the United Steelworkers,” said Mike Mikus, Director of CEA Mid-Atlantic. “With the energy-based economy that is emerging in the Pittsburgh region fueled by the growth of the responsible production of the Marcellus Shale formation, it will be timely to discuss the importance of energy issues in this election and the responsible ways to harness our nation’s abundant natural resources to ensure stable energy prices for business, agriculture, manufacturing and other energy consumers.”

The non-partisan event will feature key government, labor and business leaders who will provide discussion and concrete examples of why it is important to invest in industries, such as energy and manufacturing, which will lead to renewed American competitiveness.

Members of the national, state and local media are strongly encouraged to attend. The Summitis open to the public. Attendance is free, but registration is required.


2012PennsylvaniaEnergy & ManufacturingSummit


Representatives of President Barack Obama

Representatives of Presidential Candidate and Governor Mitt Romney


Federal, State and Local Elected Officials

Key Labor and Business Leaders and Stakeholders

Energy Producers


5 Hot Metal Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203


Monday, September 10, 2012
8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce as its newest affiliate member.

Comprised of over 2,200 business members representing 104,000 employees in the Mobile Area, the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce represents Mobile’s business voice. Founded in 1836, the Mobile Area Chamber is one of the state’s oldest business organizations and is led by a board of directors of 42 business leaders. With a staff of 40 people, including economic developers, small business advocates, and government affairs staff, the Mobile Chamber promotes a pro-business agenda with Alabama’s elected officials and provides services that help members grow their businesses.

“The Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce its new partnership with CEA. Energy policy greatly affects our entire membership and we believe it is essential that energy policy remains at the forefront of issues under discussion by our elected officials. By joining CEA, the Chamber  will incorporate and capitalize on CEA’s knowledge of national energy issues,” said Steve Russell, Director of Business Retention and Expansion for the Mobile Area Chamber.

“Consumer Energy Alliance is pleased to work closely with the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce on energy issues at a state, regional and national level,” said CEA President David Holt. “The primary goal of CEA is to unite energy consumers and producers in an effort to build a balanced energy policy, and the Mobile Area Chamber accomplishes this by bringing together its member organizations and pursuing energy legislation that will benefit all consumers. CEA looks forward to working closely with the Mobile Area Chamber to provide their members with credible energy information and to learn first-hand the concerns that their members have about federal and state energy policies. In an unpredictable business climate, energy policy that create certainty for businesses and consumers while providing reliable and affordable energy is more important than ever. CEA is very pleased to welcome the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce in promoting such policies.”

CEA: Judge Dismisses Anti-Pipeline Suit

CEA:  Judge Dismisses Anti-Pipeline Suit
Gulf Coast Project Approval Critical for U.S. Economy

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) applauds today’s ruling by the U.S. Federal District Court of Western Oklahoma, which denied an injunction seeking to block advancement of the Gulf Coast Pipeline, a critical component of the Keystone pipeline system. With the latest dilatory tactic by environmental activists cast aside, the construction of the project is expected to begin in the coming weeks and will result in employment for 4,000 Americans and $3.2 billion in new investments in the United States.

Following the announcement, Michael Whatley, Executive Vice-President of the Consumer Energy Alliance, offered the following statement:

“The facts show the Gulf Coast Pipeline, and the larger Keystone XL Project, will be the safest pipeline ever constructed in the history of theUnited States.  This much was made clear in the last Environmental Impact Statement where the U.S. State Department declared ‘the project would have a degree of safety greater than any typically constructed domestic oil pipeline system.’ This degree of safety has its roots in 57 special conditions that will be incorporated into the pipeline. These provisions include heavier construction materials in sensitive areas, a higher number of remotely controlled shutoff valves and increased pipeline inspections to name just a few.”

“We are very glad that the Court has dismissed the petitioners’ claims on the basis that the project will have a minimal impact on the environment.  To those who have followed the issue closely this decision shouldn’t come as a surprise. Every critical analysis of this project – from the Obama Administration, leading scientists and hydrogeologists – have all agreed the project will have minimal impacts inNebraskaand elsewhere.”

The pipeline, when completed, will facilitate the safe and reliable transport of oil toGulfCoastrefineries for processing into fuel and other products and is critical component in safeguarding our energy and economic future.  Expanding pipeline capacity from Cushing to the Gulf Coast is a needed part of an “all of the above” energy approach and will provide a cheaper, more stable source of crude that will result in significant benefits to consumers in every sector of the United States economy.

August 2012 Newsletter

August 2012 CEA Newsletter
Issue 65

Energy, Economy & the Election

Every four years, we celebrate the triumph of American athletes striking gold at the Olympics.  As the games wind down, we’re soon reminded that the United States is on the verge of another once-every-four-year’s competition: the presidential elections. For energy consumers, this election matters. Big time.

The United States is in the stages of a major energy revolution.  For the first time in decades, we have the technology and know-how necessary to access and produce sources of oil and natural gas economically and responsibly.  This revolution has resulted in the creation of tens of thousands of U.S. jobs, tremendous investment in the economy, and lower, more stable prices for American consumers.

Technology, namely the combination of directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing, has enabled a boom in oil and natural gas production.  According to a new study by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the economic benefits of new sources of domestic oil and natural gas are fast approaching $1 billion per day for the U.S. economy.  For natural gas consumers, this expanded supply has led to lower costs for electricity consumers and energy-intensive manufacturers on a factor of $566 million a day.  Similarly, increased domestic oil production and a shift towards greater Canadian imports (rather than imports from unstable areas of the Middle East or West Africa) are saving $56.2 million.  Economists estimate that this energy revolution has helped prevent the United States from slipping into another recession.

So, how does the election affect this energy revolution? Well, as much as we like to fall back on technology as our solution, we cannot underestimate the impact that policy and politics have on our energy future and, consequently, on every voter.  Our elected leaders set the tone for energy production and infrastructure development, determining whether we will embrace an “all-of-the-above” energy policy and pursue lower energy costs and greater energy security for Americans.  Simply by the stroke of a pen, the U.S. Congress and the President can expand energy access, permit critical infrastructure and ensure equitable, efficient regulation for energy producers.

With less than three months until the election, we call on all voters to make sure the candidates understand how significantly energy matters to all of us.

If you are interested in learning more about how energy policy affects consumers like you, please read our newsletters to see if CEA is hosting any events in an area near you.

David Holt

Top Three Favorite Afternoon Energy Videos. What’s Your Favorite? Vote Now on Facebook.

1.  How is natural gas benefitting U.S. manufacturers?

2.  What should be done to make energy efficient products more available?

3.  Why is the U.S. not focusing more on nuclear power?

Keystone XL Receives Support from More than 100,000 Americans

On July 30, CEA submitted over 100,000 individual public comments calling on the U.S. Department of State to swiftly approve the Keystone XL pipeline.  The comments, which come from residents of nearly every U.S. state, urge the agency to examine only those environmental impact issues associated with the new route through Nebraska in its supplement review.

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member GATE Petroleum Company as their 200th Member

GATE Petroleum, the 17th largest privately-held company in Florida and operator of over 225 convenience stores throughout the Southeast, has joined CEA as our newest and 200th member.


CEA is looking forward Energy Day 2012 which will take place at Hermann Square, City Hall in downtown Houston, Texas on Saturday, October 20, 2012. The festival will feature  live music, food, contests and most importantly interactive exhibits and demonstrations showcasing all forms of energy from oil and natural gas to solar and hydropower and everything in between, as well as efficiency and conservation.

CEA would like to thank all of our partners and sponsors for this event.  Please visit the Energy Day website to see our new sponsors.

Already, CEA has awarded 105 students scholarships through the Energy Day Academic Program (EDAP), and there are still nine more awards to be won through the Houston Geological Society and Houston Museum of Natural Science Art, Essay and Media contests.

Deadline: October 1, 2012: The HGS/HMNS/CEA Art, Essay & Media Contests

For more information on Energy Day 2012 or the 2012 EDAP events, please contact Kathleen Koehler at KKoehler@consumerenergyalliance.org.


Help spread the word for Energy Day 2012!

Please join our Energy Day Facebook and Twitter (@EnergyDayFest).

CEA has also partnered with NASA’s Third Rock Radio to help spread the word. Listen to hear great music and a few advertisements for Energy Day!

Upcoming Energy Events

2012 Energy and Manufacturing Summit
September 10, 2012
IBEW Circuit Center
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

This event will provide a unique opportunity for federal, state and local officials to discuss current energy issues and the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy and U.S. competitiveness.

Many thanks to our sponsors American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, IBEW Local 5, United Steelworkers, US Steel, Dow & Bayer MaterialScience for facilitating this informative and influential summit.

Be sure to register for the 2012 Energy and Manufacturing Summit online.

Please direct any questions about this newsletter to Elysse Carpenter, our new Affiliate Manager. Thank you!

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member GATE Petroleum Company as their 200th Member

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member
GATE Petroleum Company as their 200th Member

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome GATE Petroleum Company as its 200th affiliate member.

A privately-held, diversified corporation headquartered in Jacksonville, Fla., GATE’s core business is convenience stores, with more than 225 owner-operated or supplied state-of-the-art locations throughout the Southeast. Named the 17th largest privately-held company in Florida (Florida Trend, 2012), this dynamic organization first began as a single service station in Jacksonville more than 50 years ago. As a result of the 1970s oil crisis, founder Herbert H. Peyton and GATE executives realized the need to diversify and began to acquire unrelated business. Today, overseen by Peyton’s eldest son, John Peyton, who serves as the company’s president, GATE also operates eight precast concrete plants, a host of real estate ventures, a  hospitality division, fuel services and fleet services.

GATE Petroleum Company continues to grow and better serve the community because of the willingness of its more than 3,000 employees and the valued support of its customers. “GATE Petroleum is pleased to partner with Consumer Energy Alliance on energy issues at a regional and national level,” said GATE Petroleum Vice President Buzz Hoover. “Partnering with CEA will give us a broader voice on energy policy and legislation and hopefully lead to a focus on more domestically-produced resources. We were one of the first Florida companies to offer E10 at all of our locations and will be among the first companies to change if a cleaner, more secure, cost-effective alternative to gasoline is developed. We believe that CEA is the perfect organization to have on board for the new developments in the energy industry.”

“Consumer Energy Alliance is excited to have one of Florida’s most respected companies, GATE Petroleum, as a partner in the national energy debate, “ said CEA Florida Executive Director Kevin Doyle. “CEA’s most essential function is to unite energy consumers and producers in order to develop and implement a balanced, national energy policy that supports domestic energy production. We look forward to working with GATE Petroleum and its subsidiaries as we look to address America’s energy challenges and promote America’s energy opportunities.”