Plains All American Mounting Fight Against Revised City Ordinance

Family Preparing Food on Natural Gas Stove

CEA’s Brydon Ross talks about the importance of pipelines to safely deliver fuel and other products that consumers across Memphis use every day.

“Pipelines help ensure we have life-sustaining products we count on every day, with over 99.999% of the deliveries reaching their destination without incident. Operators must be held to a high standard when building and siting critical energy infrastructure like pipelines.”

Read more – Daily Memphian

PennEast’s Day in Supreme Court Critical for Consumer Access to Affordable, Environmentally Sound Energy into the Future

Washington, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for responsible energy and environmental policies for families and businesses, today provided a statement following the U.S. Supreme Court’s oral arguments on PennEast Pipeline’s right-of-way case.

“We’re encouraged that the PennEast case has finally gotten its day in our nation’s highest court. In a time of great evolution of our energy systems, the importance of upholding existing laws that enable the massive investments required to provide reliable, environmentally sound and affordable energy cannot be understated. The PennEast case is about putting a stop to activist-driven state actions that deny consumers and businesses across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast their right to safe, affordable and abundant energy,” said CEA Mid-Atlantic Director Mike Butler. “The framers of our Constitution correctly recognized that no single state should be able to put its individual or political priorities above those of the nation, as has happened in PennEast to the detriment of consumers in neighboring states. We hope the court agrees and finds in favor of PennEast. Doing so will provide the certainty needed to encourage the large investments in energy systems, both renewable and traditional, needed to keep energy affordable, environmentally sound and reliable into the future.”

CEA filed a friend of the court amicus brief in March 2020 arguing for the Supreme Court to accept certiorari and for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit ruling to be overturned.

Victoria Kush, Shareholder at Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC and counsel of record for CEA in its amicus brief, notes:

“Today’s oral argument in PennEast Pipeline Co. v. New Jersey emphasized that eminent domain authority, as provided for by the Fifth Amendment, is essential to the execution of interstate infrastructure projects such as natural gas pipelines. During oral argument, PennEast correctly emphasized that it is an oxymoron for a sovereign immunity defense to be used by a state against a superior sovereign. In condemning state lands for an interstate natural gas pipeline, PennEast acts not as a discrete, private entity, but rather, as an entity deputized with the condemnation authority of the federal government under the oversight and approvals of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Indeed, the eminent domain authority exercised by PennEast was already federally approved and only permitted based on the delegated authority of the federal government. It is our hope that the Justices will not disturb the historical delegability of federal eminent domain authority and issue a decision in favor of PennEast.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 429-4362


New Community Commitment Initiative Launched to Shine Light on Importance of Diverse Energy Sources for New Mexicans

Leading Consumer and Environmental Advocate to Work with Local Businesses and Community Members to Build Balanced Energy Future

Santa FeConsumer Energy Alliance, the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for families and businesses, today announced a new Community Commitment initiative that will work with New Mexicans and local businesses to build and sustain an energy future that balances environmental aspirations with economic realities.

The effort is part of CEA’s Campaign for New Mexico’s Energy, which brings together people from across the state to talk about how to support policies that promote the well-being of all our communities. Members of the Community Commitment will help to advocate and show support for smart policies that drive environmental improvement while ensuring that our day-to-day economic and energy needs are met, without placing anyone at risk of financial harm.

The initiative will highlight the untold side effects of forced energy moratoriums on New Mexicans. As importantly, CEA’s ongoing campaign will continue to examine the diverse ways New Mexicans can get the energy they need across the state. Responsible development of all of New Mexico’s energy resources, from solar to wind to natural gas, can help sustain our neighbors, restaurants and breweries, local businesses, tribal nations and families who depend on a healthy economy to put food on the table.

CEA is telling their stories and showing the impact energy policies have on real, everyday people. From New Mexicans who grew up without electricity taking pride in being able to give their children what they lacked, to others who can’t run their businesses on promises of an energy future that isn’t here yet.

“With our diverse heritage, landscapes and cultures, New Mexicans have long known that we find our way forward by working together,” CEA New Mexico Director Matthew Gonzales said. “We went out in search of the stories of our people to better understand what they need as we explore new energy options and environmental pathways as a country.”

“Energy and environmental issues should be above politics, and the goal of our effort to remind our leaders to put people first when creating policies that will affect their lives, livelihoods and wallets. The earliest announcements from Washington have already unleashed unintended consequences that will only hurt our businesses and prospects for an equitable economic recovery after COVID.”

“New Mexicans don’t need policies that duplicate state or federal efforts, or vice versa. Instead, we need to ensure our policymakers and leaders at all levels are hearing the voices from our hinterlands telling them what energy moratoriums and one-size-fits-all policies will do to New Mexico’s everyday economic landscape.”

“With nearly 20% of New Mexicans living in poverty and carrying an energy burden three times higher than other households, many of our longtime and native New Mexican community members cannot afford higher energy prices wrought by aspirational policies built on promises.”

“An influx of new arrivals came from the West Coast to avoid negative effects of the expensive energy and environmental policies they mandated in their far wealthier states. Unfortunately, they’re importing that same sympathetic ideology here, which largely created the everyday economic and energy challenges they left for our greener pastures. That’s why we are inviting fellow neighbors and communities to join us in finding creative solutions we can all get behind, which won’t worsen our daily lives.”

To learn more about CEA’s Campaign for New Mexico’s Energy, join our Community Commitment or to hear more voices across the state, please visit:


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Gov. Justice Protects Rights of W.V. Families, Small Businesses to Energy Choices by Signing Bipartisan Consumer Service Protection Bill Into Law, Consumer Energy and Environmental Advocate Says

Mother and baby son with a book and a flashlight before going to bed

Charleston, WV – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, applauds West Virginia Governor Jim Justice for signing HB 2842, bipartisan legislation to protect the rights of consumers by prohibiting municipalities from adopting energy service bans.

“We applaud West Virginia Delegate Higginbotham for introducing, and Gov. Justice for signing, this important legislation which protects consumer choice in West Virginia. As certain elected officials across the country seek to placate special interests through mandates that disrupt the lives and livelihoods of families and businesses, strong bipartisan majorities in the legislature have made it known that families and businesses across our state will have access to the energy they choose to heat their homes, cook their food and power their lives,” said CEA Midwest Director Chris Ventura.

“With two in every five West Virginia households using natural gas for home heating, misguided energy service bans could lead to serious and significant service interruptions and surprisingly large increases in West Virginians’ energy bills. An energy ban could also require the replacement of major appliances, which could cost thousands of dollars for families and businesses – an unnecessary burden that would be ruinous for those living at or below the poverty level.”

“CEA commends Gov. Justice and the legislature for protecting consumers, families and businesses’ right to keep the energy services they want and for helping to get West Virginia and the country to a cleaner future.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Florida Legislature Scores Victory for Families, Small Business With Bipartisan Consumer Service and Infrastructure Protection Legislation, Leading Consumer and Environmental Advocate Says

Hallandale Beach Florida

Tallahassee, FL – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, applauded the Florida Legislature for overwhelmingly passing CS/CS/HB 919 and CS/CS/HB 839, bipartisan legislation to protect the rights of consumers by prohibiting municipalities from adopting energy service bans; and from taking actions to prevent siting, development or redevelopment of fuel retailers and related transportation infrastructure.

“CEA applauds the members of the Florida Legislature for passing this important legislation that will protect our families and small businesses from actions that could prohibit the use and availability of reliable, safe and clean fuels like natural gas in our homes or communities,” CEA Florida Executive Director Kevin Doyle said. “With the majority of Florida’s natural gas coming from outside of the state via interstate pipelines, bans on developing or redeveloping transportation infrastructure would be devastating to families, business and industries that rely on natural gas for electricity and heating.”

“Energy service bans could lead to serious and significant service interruptions. They could also require the replacement of major appliances, which could cost Florida’s families and businesses billions of dollars – a burden that would be ruinous for those living at or below the poverty level.”

“CEA thanks Representatives Josie Tomkow and Tom Fabricio, as well as Senator Travis Hutson, for their leadership in the House and Senate, and all members of the Florida Legislature who voted to support these bills to ensure affordable and reliable energy access for all Floridians. We urge Governor DeSantis to sign these common-sense bills into law to protect consumers, families and businesses across the state.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
P: 202-657-2855


CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – April 23

Happy Earth Week! It was a big week for climate and energy, with House Democrats re-introducing Green New Deal legislation on Tuesday, followed by the U.S. Climate Summit on Thursday, where President Biden hosted leaders from around the globe to pledge their commitments in addressing climate change.

During the Summit, Biden vowed to reduce U.S. emissions by 50% by 2030, more than doubling the U.S.’s prior commitment under the Paris Climate Agreement. The U.K and E.U committed to cutting emissions by 68% and 55% respectively, while China vowed to reach peak emissions by 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2060.

Thankfully, we are already on the right track to meeting these goals. CEA found that U.S. emissions decreased across the board from 1990-2019, and that just last year global energy-related CO2 emissions declined 5.8%.

Oil edged higher today after crude benchmarks fell this week due to increasing COVID-19 infections in India and Japan, the world’s third and fourth largest oil importers.

We hope you had a great Earth Week and continue to practice an earth-friendly lifestyle year-round! Catch up on more of this week’s energy news below.

5Is sustainable bourbon coming to a bar near you?

A Kentucky bourbon producer announced this week that it wants to cut its companywide greenhouse gas emissions and water usage in half by 2030. E&E News explains how the campaign will cover every part of its bourbon production – from “seed to sip.”

4The world’s most powerful tidal turbine is preparing to operate

A tidal turbine weighing 680 metric tons and known as “the world’s most powerful” one has been launched in Scotland. CNBC reports that the turbine is able to produce enough electricity to meet the needs of approximately 2,000 U.K. homes each year.

3Prediction: Monster wind turbines are going to get bigger

According to a recent report from the Global Wind Energy Council, the sector installed 93 gigawatts (GW) of new capacity in 2020. Oil & Gas 360 highlights how this expansion is also part of the size of these turbines.

2Crystals are changing the future of solar panels

Solar panels made from materials called perovskites could change how we generate electricity. NBC News writes about how perovskites have been around since the 1800’s but are now sparking hope that they will help us to better harness energy from the sun.

1Energy Department announces goal to make hydrogen power, EV batteries more affordable

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm announced new goals to lower the cost of clean energy and other climate change technologies. The Hill breaks down how DOE wants to reduce the price of hydrogen energy by 80 percent before 2030 and cut battery cell prices in half in order to make electric vehicles more affordable. 

U.S. Climate Summit Provides Opportunity to Highlight American Leadership in Reducing Emissions, Leading Consumer and Environmental Advocate Says

Washington DC – Following the Biden Administration’s release of new national commitments to emissions reductions as part of the U.S.-hosted international Climate Summit, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) issued the following statement:

“America’s unique culture of innovation and risk-taking is well suited to addressing the climate challenge before us, a puzzle that can only be solved with facts, science, engineering and collaboration,” CEA Federal Affairs Advisor Michael Zehr said. “As international leaders gather today with America leading the way in actual emissions reductions, it is incumbent on the rest of the world – especially large and growing emitters in Asia – to join the U.S. in making real progress.”

“It is worth noting that China alone is producing a fourth of the world’s emissions, and has pledged only to stop increasing its emissions before 2030. Meanwhile, the United States has led the world in absolute reduction of emissions for over two decades. This has been achieved because of smart environmental standards and industry innovations.”

“The ambitious goals set forth by the Biden Administration will require sizable investments to construct the modern energy infrastructure needed to support a less carbon intensive energy sector. This will create tremendous opportunities for skilled labor and domestic manufacturers, which can only be unlocked by enacting historic efficiency improvements in processing federal permits.”

“Maximizing emissions reductions while minimizing costs to consumers, families and small businesses will be essential to securing a durable, long-term approach to meeting our shared goals of a clean, safe environment and a robust, sustainable economy.  We must deliver affordable, reliable and environmentally responsible energy.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy and the environment, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
P: 202-657-2855

Green New Deal Will Cost Americans $258 Billion for Appliances Alone, Leading Consumer Energy and Environmental Advocate Warns

Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

Consumer Energy Alliance Says Proposal Will Destroy Systems That Work, Irreparably Harm Consumers and Small Businesses with Cost, Tax Burdens  

Washington DC – Following news that House Democrats had re-introduced proposed Green New Deal legislation and a non-binding resolution, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) updated its analysis of the consumer costs associated with the plan for just four household appliances. Those are just the tip of the cost and tax burdens associated with the proposal, which aims to spend trillions while dismantling existing systems that are working for Americans by providing affordable, reliable energy.

The cost to replace just four home appliances would be $258 billion, according to a CEA calculation examining the replacement of stoves, furnaces, water heaters and dryers that run on natural gas with electric counterparts.

The analysis does not include any of the costs associated with replacing the additional electricity demand the Green New Deal would entail, which are passed on to consumers and small businesses through their utility bills. Nor does it include the tax costs associated with funding these programs, or the higher energy costs that would immediately result by eliminating affordable traditional fuels.

“The goal of reducing emissions is a common one shared by every American – restructuring our whole economy is not,” CEA Federal Affairs Advisor Michael Zehr said. “The Green New Deal makes no economic sense and will unnecessarily hurt consumers, families and small businesses with its dual punch of energy replacement costs and higher taxes.”

“Our combined efforts would be better focused on improving our energy infrastructure and preparing it for the future, which includes technological innovations to reduce our emissions. That will keep affordable and reliable energy options on the table, while sparking the inventiveness, problem-solving and government investment in research that has made American industry a world leader.”

“We all support progress, but progress does not require burning Rome to the ground to start over. A just transition would not entail destroying what’s working and replacing it by government mandate. A just transition would not force the roughly 40 million Americans living in poverty to face higher energy costs and lower reliability.”

“We must tap America’s can-do spirit, which has cooperation and practicality at its heart, to enter our future the right way and improve our environment. The Green New Deal’s top-down, do-as-we-tell-you nature cannot inspire the collaboration and widespread support needed to accelerate our world-leading emissions reductions.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy and the environment, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
P: 202-657-2855

Green New Deal Would Cost American Consumers More Than $258 Billion – in JUST Four Appliances

Family cooking breakfast

The “Green New Deal” is not such a good deal for American energy consumers. Designed to completely replace America’s use of abundant and affordable energy sources such as natural gas, the resolution’s goal is to make the country entirely dependent upon renewable energy.  The Green New Deal is not a practical solution for American consumers, as many common household appliances, such as furnaces, water heaters, stoves, and dryers, are powered by natural gas and would have to be replaced at the expense of hardworking families across the country.

Most American households rely on natural gas for cooking, cleaning, or heating their homes.  About 59.5 million households rely upon natural gas for heat.((  At minimum, a new electric furnace and installation costs $2,500 for a total of more than $148.7 billion nationwide.((

The Green New Deal would also require replacing all natural gas home water heaters for 56.3 million American households.((  For households to comply, they would have to shell out an average of $1,180(( (for a total of more than $66.4 billion across the U.S.). Furthermore, 39 million households would have to replace their natural gas cooking range. Even if they chose a low-end electric range, the additional expense would be $767 (for a total cost of almost $30 billion nationwide).((  Then add insult to injury and consider the 17.9 million new electric clothes dryers that would need to replace gas dryers at an average installed cost of almost $749 (or more than $13.4 billion nationwide).((

The total for replacement of these four common household appliances under the Green New Deal is more than $258 billion.((Total cost of replacing natural gas furnaces ($148.7 billion), water heaters ($66.4 billion), cooking ranges ($30 billion) and clothes dryers ($13.4 billion) nationwide.))

The replacement costs, sadly, are a greater burden for the 34 million Americans living at or below the poverty line.((  Moreover, this is not accounting for most Americans who lack the financial resources to replace even the most essential appliances mandated by the Green New Deal. That is because a recent survey found that 61 percent of Americans have less than $1,000 in their savings account.(( American consumers need practical energy solutions that come from our nation’s affordable energy resources. The Green New Deal does not offer solutions for American energy consumers.

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Leading Consumer Energy and Environmental Advocate Shares Concern about Harmful Impacts of Anti-Energy Ordinance for Memphians

Pipeline welder

Memphis, TN – Today, Consumer Energy Alliance Vice President of State Affairs Brydon Ross spoke out against a local ordinance before the Memphis City Council that would have significant harmful and negative impacts to fuel supply, could impede public safety and potentially raise energy prices by creating unnecessary, arbitrary hurdles for managing and repairing critical energy infrastructure like pipelines.

“Federal data and countless studies confirm that pipelines are the safest and most environmentally responsible way to move the essential energy products. This is an indisputable fact,” Ross said in his testimony. “Pipelines help ensure we have life-sustaining products we count on every day, with over 99.999% of the deliveries reaching their destination without incident.”

“The proposed ordinance, as written, is overly broad and would have significant practical and real-world implications that would unnecessarily create hardships and potentially raise energy prices for regular Memphians at a time when the region and the nation are trying to recover from COVID-19.”

“For example, as the proposed ordinance is written, it would require existing underground infrastructure like fuel storage tanks at gas stations or pipeline operators that simply need to do basic safety maintenance to apply for ‘prohibited use exemptions’ from a newly proposed Underground Infrastructure Review Board. It would also delay important safety repairs, inspections, upgrades and maintenance work on existing pipeline infrastructure.”

“The proposed ordinance also clearly violates well-established federal pipeline safety regulations and statutes administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation. This would not only negatively impact public safety around the Memphis area, but it would jeopardize and limit fuel supplies on pipelines for motorists and businesses that depend on stable, affordable energy to work. It would also hamper and impact delivery of vital jet fuel supplies for Memphis International Airport and the global hub of FedEx. A University of Memphis study found that the airport has an annual local impact of $19.1 billion dollars and supports more than 83,000 jobs.”

“Families and businesses that are struggling to get by do not need the additional economic hardships this ordinance would entail. We urge you to oppose this ill-conceived proposal that would delay and obstruct critical infrastructure.”

About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy and the environment, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855