19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

Spring Clean Your Energy Use!


Each year, people across America take part in the annual tradition of spring cleaning their homes, garages, work places and lifestyles, but consumers should give their energy use a good once over too!

Heating and cooling costs are a significant part of household budgets throughout America – on average 43 percent of utility bills! There are many free and low-cost strategies consumers can put into action to lower these costs. Spring cleaning energy use is beneficial because not only does it save consumers a few bucks, but it also focuses consumers on being good stewards of energy resources.

This spring, there are five top steps to take in streamlining your energy use:  1) Look for assistance from your local utility or state; 2) Conduct an energy audit; 3) Have your cooling system serviced; 4) Find and seal your air leaks; and 5) Install a programmable thermostat, according to EnergySavers.gov, a U.S. Department of Energy website devoted to providing tips to the American public on energy consumption.

The five spring to-dos are part of EnergySavers.gov’s “Stay Cool, Save Money” campaign, which focuses on providing consumers with ways to save money during the spring and summer.  Find out more ways to prepare for summer’s energy costs…