19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA Welcomes New Member Ports-to-Plains Alliance


HOUSTON — June 2, 2010   Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome a new affiliate member, Ports-to-Plains Alliance, a non-profit, non-partisan, community-driven energy, agriculture and economic development advocacy group led by governmental officials, economic stakeholders, business people and other leaders from a 9-state, 2300-plus mile economic development corridor between Texas and Alberta, Canada.

“Ports-to-Plains Alliance is an excellent example of the power of community-based organizations to have very real effects on development, commerce, regulation and trade within their regions. Consumer Energy Alliance welcomes Ports-to-Plains to our alliance, which is committed to supporting a balanced energy policy for America encompassing all energy resources, including both traditional, such as oil and natural gas, as well as alternative, such as wind, water, solar and more,” said CEA President David Holt.

Ports-to-Plains Alliance consists of hundreds of grassroots supporters who work together to bring the benefits of trade home to North America’s energy and agricultural heartland. The region Ports-to-Plains represents boasts 7 of the top 10 states for installed and potential wind energy – generating nearly 45 percent of the U.S. total – and 33 ethanol refineries, approximately 25% of U.S. ethanol refining capacity.

“The Ports-to-Plains region feeds, clothes and powers America. We understand that energy policy is more than just the price at the pump. Our people rely on jobs in the energy industry to put food on the table. Our communities rely on the taxes the industry pays to fund our schools and cities. We are excited to join with CEA to ensure delivery of that message to the rest of the country,” said Michael Reeves, President of Ports-to-Plains Alliance.

For more information on Ports-to-Plains Alliance, visit http://www.portstoplains.com.