19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

CEA Welcomes New Member Canadian American Business Council



HOUSTON Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome a new affiliate member, the Canadian American Business Council, a premier voice of the Canadian American business community in Washington. The council represents leading Canadian and American businesses and their commitment to collaboration in the business sector.

“The United States imports more energy from Canada than from any other nation,” said CEA President David Holt. “Maintaining a strong, proactive relationship with Canadian business leaders and consumers will serve to strengthen our collective North American energy security, help maintain stable prices for consumers, and create much-needed jobs.”

The Council’s activities include high-level briefings on issues of current concern, assistance with practical trade and policy challenges, and providing significant networking opportunities and informative seminars. With the business and trade relationship between Canada and the United States being the strongest and largest in the world, strong business growth revolving around innovation and across-the-border partnership is imperative. Established in 1987, the Council is a non-profit, issues-oriented organization dedicated to elevating private sector perspectives on such innovation and growth.

The CABC Advisory Board is chaired by the Honourable Gary Doer Canadian Ambassador to the U.S. and by the Honorable David Jacobson, U.S. Ambassador to Canada. The Advisory Board is composed of all former Ambassadors to Canada and the U.S., as well as former Congressman John LaFalce and former Minister Barbara McDougall.

“We are excited about the opportunity to work with Consumer Energy Alliance,” said Scotty Greenwood, Executive Director CABC. “With a highly integrated market in the United States and Canada being an important focus, this alliance provides many facets for us to execute dialogue and promote the importance of global energy security.”

For more information on CABC, visit http://www.canambusco.org.