HOUSTON — At its annual board meeting today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) named Rich Moskowitz, vice president and regulatory affairs counsel of the American Trucking Association, as its next chairman of the board. Also named at the meeting was John Heimlich, vice president and chief economist for the Air Transport Association of America, to the position of vice chairman; Mark Pulliam, solution partner with Sabre Airline Solutions, to the position of treasurer; and Kathleen Koehler, director of events and special projects for CEA, to the position of secretary. All new officers will assume their new responsibilities effective immediately.
“The newly elected members to the CEA board embody the dedication our organization has for the American consumer in the nation’s pursuit for balanced, long-term energy policy,” said CEA President David Holt. “They have long been leaders in the CEA family and under their direction, the Alliance will continue to advocate for the ‘all of the above approach’ to the U.S. energy economy that we hope our nation can achieve.”
Chairman Rich Moskowitz has practiced environmental, regulatory and corporate law for more than 20 years and is a frequent lecturer on regulatory issues affecting the trucking industry. “I look forward to helping CEA lead the charge to enact a balanced energy policy that meets consumers’ growing energy needs,” said Moskowitz. “CEA’s mission to improve domestic energy security and promote stable energy prices for consumers dovetails with the goals of the trucking industry and other energy consumers.”
In assuming the role of vice chairman, John Heimlich, said he is “thrilled” to serve and continue CEA’s efforts. “Our combined work should ensure that all forms of energy can compete to meet the needs of American consumers with respect to availability, affordability, reliability and environmental compatibility. I will work closely with CEA to explore every opportunity to emphasize the critical importance of conservation and efficiency, enabling airlines and other conscientious consumers to use the minimal amount of energy to stimulate economic growth,” said Heimlich.
Newly-elected treasurer Mark Pulliam said, “Before CEA, the voice of the consumer was inadequately represented in the national discourse on energy policy. Because of CEA, that voice now reverberates through all levels of government. I am invigorated by the opportunity to play a larger role in CEA’s mission of promoting a balanced energy policy – a policy that recognizes the need to responsibly develop our country’s natural resources as well as increase our utilization of alternative energy.”
For more information on Consumer Energy Alliance, visit www.beta.consumerenergyalliance.org.