19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

National Poll Confirms Majority of Americans Support Developing Domestic Resources


National Poll Confirms Majority of Americans Support Developing Domestic Resources
Americans Increasingly Concerned about Access to Affordable Energy and Escalating Energy Prices

Washington, DC – Today Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) praised the latest findings from Gallup’s annual Environment survey, which found that six in 10 Americans favor increasing offshore drilling for oil and gas in U.S. coastal areas, up from 50 percent in May 2010.

“These national poll results clearly demonstrate the growing discontent Americans are voicing across the nation about the pain they are experiencing at the pump and their strong support for the responsible development of the nation’s vast array of abundant domestic resources,” said David Holt, president of CEA. With almost 50 percent of Americans expressing a great deal of concern about the availability and affordability of energy, it’s time for our policymakers in Washington, D.C. to change course by allowing for the development of a robust, balanced domestic energy supply.”

“With gas pump prices headed towards $4.00 a gallon, something must be done immediately to ease the cost of fuel from draining American’s wallets. As Congress begins a week of hearings to examine the high energy prices the nation is facing, CEA calls on the Obama Administration to end the ongoing delays in issuing oil and gas permits and asks that the Administration immediately allow access to domestic energy reserves in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, the Southeast and onshore,” Holt added.

The Gallup poll also showed 49% of Americans in favor of opening Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) for oil exploration – the highest level of support Gallup has recorded for drilling in ANWR since the question was first asked in 2002.

“After witnessing the damage to the nation’s economy from the record-breaking fuel prices of 2008, it’s obvious that our economic well-being depends upon our access to affordable energy as does our ability to compete globally, create jobs and ensure robust economic growth. With the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estimating that the price oil may hit $110 per barrel by the end of the year, it’s time for the federal government to take affirmative steps to encourage the production of our domestic oil supplies,” said CEA Chairman of the Board and vice president & regulatory affairs counsel for the American Trucking Associations Rich Moskowitz.

According to Gallup, this poll was based on telephone interviews conducted March 3-6, 2011, with a random sample of 1,021 adults, aged 18 and older, living in the continental U.S., selected using random-digit-dial sampling.