19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance

The uncertain state of regulation

The uncertain state of regulation Last week, we learned about plans for a new set of regulations covering natural gas production from hydraulic fracturing. And this week, the Interior Department has said that those forthcoming rules are still being defined and it’s unclear when they will be released. If it sounds familiar, that’s because it […]

CEA: 9th Circuit Action Places Jobs and Consumers at Risk

CEA: 9th Circuit Action Places Jobs and Consumers at Risk SAN FRANSISCO  – On Monday, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay of a federal judge’s injunction blocking California’s low-carbon fuel standard.  The action will allow for the continued implementation of a low carbon fuel standard program in California during the appeals […]

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes Great Plains- The Camelina Company

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes Great Plains- The Camelina Company HOUSTON, TX –Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Great Plains- The Camelina Company as its newest affiliate member. Great Plains – The Camelina Company is the world’s largest producer of camelina oil, a proven alternative to petroleum crude oil, in demand by biofuel refiners […]

CEA: TransCanada to Present Alternative Keystone XL Route Following Approvals

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) strongly supports yesterday’s approval of legislation that provides the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality with authority to evaluate the new route within Nebraska for the Keystone XL pipeline. The legislation will now allow TransCanada to submit a new route to NDEQ, which will initiate the environmental review of the […]

Prices and policies

In recent weeks we have highlighted current estimates of oil and gas reserves in the U.S., how these estimates have increased dramatically in recent years, and why that gives us more power to both influence world oil prices and move toward greater energy self-sufficiency. Clearly, when oil prices are climbing as high and as rapidly […]

April 2012 Newsletter

April 2012 CEA Newsletter Issue 61   $1,000 for a tank of diesel, and other signs of growing pain As gasoline prices moved closer to $4 a gallon and set a new record for the month of March, CEA President David Holt delivered two key messages to Congress in testimony before the U.S. House Committee […]

SEA Comment to NC DENR on Shale Gas

[gview file=”https://consumerenergyalliance.org/cms/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/SEA-Comments-to-NC-DENR-on-Shale-Gas-Draft-Report_April-20122.pdf” height=”1200″ width=”900″]

SEA Supports North Carolina’s Move Towards Shale Development

FREDERICKSBURG, VA: Southeast Energy Alliance (SEA) recently submitted comments to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in response to its draft study “North Carolina Oil and Gas Study under Session Law 2011-276.” SEA strongly agrees with the study’s findings that horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing can be implemented safely and responsibly […]